
2022-12-09 15:42:02 字數 4609 閱讀 7448



they built a garden.

they suggested building a garden.


the suit fits him very well.

the suit used to fit him very well.

(3)都有主動與被動, 「體」式(一般式;進行式;完成式)的變化。例如:

he was punished by his parents.(謂語動詞被動語態)

he **oided being punished by his parents.(動名詞的被動式)

we h**e written the composition.(謂語動詞的完成時)

h**ing written the composition, we handed it in.(現在分詞的完成式)


they started the work at once.(謂語動詞的邏輯主語)

the boss ordered them to start the work.(動詞不定式的邏輯主語)

we are league members.(謂語動詞的主語)

we being league member, the work was well done. (現在分詞的邏輯主語)

(5) 否定式一般用not, 並且放在非謂語動詞之前










否定式:not + (to) do



例如:i'm nice to meet you. 很高興見到你。

he seems to know a lot. 他看起來懂得很多。

we plan to pay a visit. 我們計畫花錢去參觀。

he wants to be an artist. 他想成為乙個藝術家。

the patient asked to be operated on at once. 病人要求馬上手術。

the teacher ordered the work to be done. 老師要求完成工作。


the boy pretended to be working hard. 男孩假裝工作得很努力。

he seems to be reading in his room. 看起來他正在他的房間裡面讀書。


i regretted h**ing told a lie. 我後悔我說謊了。

i happened to h**e seen the film. 我偶然看過這部電影。

he is pleased to h**e met his friend. 他很高興能遇上他的朋友。



to finish the work in ten minutes is very hard. 十分鐘之內完成這項工作是很難的。

to lose your heart means failure. 灰心意味著失敗。


it is very hard to finish the work in ten minutes. 十分鐘之內完成這項工作是很難的。

it means failure to lose your heart. 灰心意味著失敗。

常用句式有:1、it+be+名詞+to do。2、it takes sb.

+some time+to do。3、it+be+形容詞+of sb +to do。常用careless,,clever,good,foolish,honest,kind,lazy,nice,right,silly,stupid,wise,等表示讚揚或批評的形容詞,不定式前的sb.



her job is to clean the hall. 她的工作是打掃大廳。

he appears to h**e caught a cold. 他似乎感冒了。


常與不定式做賓語連用的動詞有:want, hope, wish, offer, fail, plan, learn, pretend, refuse, manage, help, agree, promise, prefer, 如果不定式(賓語)後面有賓語補足語,則用it作形式賓語,真正的賓語(不定式)後置,放在賓語補足語後面,例如:

marx found it important to study the situation in russia. 馬克思發現研究**的情況是很重要的。


i h**e no choice but to stay here. 我只能留在這裡,別無選擇。

he did nothing last sunday but repair his bike. 他上週日除了修他的自行車什麼也沒乾。


he g**e us some advice on how to learn english. 他給了我們一些學英語的建議。


在復合賓語中,動詞不定式可充當賓語補足語,如下動詞常跟這種復合賓語:want, wish, ask, tell, order, beg, permit, help, advise, persuade, allow, prepare, cause, force, call on, wait for, invite.


with a lot of work to do, he didn't go to the cinema. 他有很多任務作要做,所以沒去電影院。

有些動詞如make, let, see, watch, hear, feel, h**e等與不帶有to的不定式連用,但改為被動語態時,不定式要加to, 如:

i saw him cross the road. 我看見他橫過公路。

he was seen to cross the road. 他被我看見橫過公路。




i h**e a meeting to attend. 我有乙個會議要出席。


he found a good house to live in. 他找到了乙個居住的好房子。

the child has nothing to worry about. 這個孩子無憂無慮。

what did you open it with? 你用什麼開啟它?

如果不定式修飾time, place, way,可以省略介詞:

he has no place to live. 他無處安身。

this is the best way to work out this problem. 這是解決這個問題的最好辦法。


h**e you got anything to send? 你要送什麼東西嗎?

h**e you got anything to be sent? 你有什麼東西需要送嗎?


we h**e made a plan to finish the work. 我們制定了乙個完成工作的計畫。


he is the first to get here. 他第乙個來到這兒。



he worked day and night to get the money. 他夜以繼日地工作來賺錢。

she sold her hair to buy the watch chain. 她賣掉了自己的頭髮來買那條錶鏈。


wrong:to s**e money, every means has been tried.

right:to s**e money, he has tried every means. 為了省錢,他使出了渾身解數。

wrong:to learn english well, a dictionary is needed.


語法複習專題 9 unit9 非謂語動詞 一 考點聚焦 1 非謂語動詞的句法功能 2 動詞不定式復心中應注意的幾個問題 1 不定式作表語與 be to do sth.的異同。不定式作表語說明主語的內容或性質。his job is to guard.說明內容 be to do sth.表示按計畫要做的...


在句中充當除謂語以外的句子成分的動詞形式叫做非謂語動詞。非謂語動詞分為三種形式 不定式 動名詞和分詞 分詞包括現在分詞和過去分詞 一 不定式的作用 1 作主語不定式作主語時,謂語用單數。往往用it 作形式主語,把不定式放在謂語後面。如 it took us two hours to finish t...


語法複習 非謂語動詞 撰稿 吳克險審稿 白雪雁責編 張敏 1.不定式作狀語時常用句型 動詞不定式在句中可用來作目的 結果 原因狀語,常用於下列句型中 1 in order to do和so as to do 以便,為了 she decided to work harder in order so a...