
2022-11-23 23:45:10 字數 2716 閱讀 1683


命題: 溫巨集娟陳薇薇陳時審題: 彭文國





1. where does this conversation probably take place?

a. on a planeb. in san francisco. c. in a bookshop.

2. what will the woman probably do?

a. she will drink some coffee.

b. she will get some tea for the man.

c. she will drink what she has with her.

3. what were the speakers going to do?

a. go sailingb. play tennisc. go bicycle-riding.

4. when is spring festival?

a. the first day of the lunar calendar

b. the first day of the solar calendarre place

c. the first day of the new year.

5. what about the watch lost by the woman?

a. it』s expensiveb. it』s newc. it』s old.





6. how is the man feeling?

a. happyb. unhappyc. surprised.

7. how does the man』s team play in the match?

a. poorlyb. very wellc. just so-so.

8. what does the woman advise the man and his teammates to do?

a. find a good trainer and practice harder.

b. take it easy and forget this game.

c. read a book and then practice.


9. what is the most probable relatinoship bewteen the speakers?

a. studio boss and secretary.

b. police chief and policewoman.

c. resaurant manager and waitress.

10. what kind of man might d**id collins be?

a. a man who has broken the law.

b. a promising young university graduate.

c. a man with strange ideas and beh**ior.

11. what will the man do ?

a. he』ll go to another city to do some investigations(調查)

b. he』ll collect all the possessions(所有物) of d**id collins

c. he』ll take photos and make a tape(錄音)of d**id collins.


12. what kind of activity will be held in kansas park next week?

a. an art festivalb. a concertc. a picnic.

13. how many artists will show their paintings?

a. two traditional painters. b.

two modern artists. c. three best local artists.

14. what information do we know about the activity?

a. it starts at the same place and same time

b. it stars at different place and different time

c. it will atrract many local people.


15. what does the woman go to the office for?


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試卷分為兩卷,卷 i 100分,卷 ii 50分,滿分共計150分 考試時間 120分鐘 卷 i 一 選擇題 本大題共10小題,每小題5分,共50分 1 設i為虛數單位,則展開式中的第三項為 a b c d 2 從編號為1,2,10的10個大小相同的球中任取4個,則所取4個球的最大號碼是6的概率為 ...