中考英語常見題型及解題技巧 E選詞填空

2022-11-16 16:09:05 字數 5175 閱讀 4584

編輯時間短文填空是近年才創設的一種新題型。這種題型為:給出一篇難易適中的短文,中間去掉10個單詞,同時在乙個方框內給出10至12個單詞,① 讓考生根據短文的內容,確定詞義②用方框中所給詞的適當形式填空,確定詞性和詞形變化,把這些單詞填入空白處,使文章正確、通順。









當你選定乙個名詞時,要考慮是否要把它變成複數或「所有格」形式。例如:match-matches, friend-friend『s/friends』。

其他還要考慮名詞是否需要變成形容詞,例如:sun-sunny, use-useful/useless/used, danger-dangerous;在遇到動詞時,要有意識地去考慮時態和語態的變化以及非謂語動詞形式的變化(動詞不定式- to do, 現在分詞-doing, 過去分詞-done, 固定搭配-enjoy doing sth../used to do sth..

/h**e sth.. done…)。

形容詞和副詞填空時要主動去判定是否需要變成比較級或最高端,還有它們之間的相互轉換以及形容詞變名詞的需求也需考慮,例如:interesting-more /the most interesting, happy-happily,happy -happiness; 填入代詞時,需注意辨別主格、賓格、名詞性和形容詞性物主代詞或反身代詞的用法;數詞方面要注意基數詞和序數詞的變化以及分數和虛實數的用法,例如:three-third, 2/3-two thirds, one thousand/thousands of ;冠詞只需要在 a或an之間判別,如a girl/an old man; 當遇到介詞和連詞時,就更簡單,只要符合上下文邏輯或固定短語搭配,填入即可。

為了方便記憶,試著記住下面的順口溜:空前空後要注意,「名詞」單複數要牢記,還有『s 不能棄,「動詞」注意要變形,「形副」注意要用三種級,要填「數詞」請留意,千萬別忘 「基」 和「序」,填入「代詞」需慎重,五格變化要謹記。




good morning, ladies and gentlemen.. i'm here today to share a good lesson with you.. it is a true story about an overseas student 71________ in germany..

what was wrong, you might wonder? the truth is, shortly after he arrived in germany, this clever student found that it was 76________ to skip buying subway tickets.. so 77_____ s**e money, he often went without a ticket..

as a result, he had been caught without a ticket in the subway 78________ times..

from this story, we learn that we may get short-term benefits in dishonest ways, but the truth will 79________ sooner or later and the cost is high.. so remember: honesty is the 80_______ rule..

that's all for my speech.. thank you!


答案:71.. living 現在分詞作定語,修飾 student

72.. job 前一句說該學生取得了驚人的成績,都認為他能有乙份好工作(job)和光明未來。

73.. chance 句意:他甚至沒有被給面試的機會。

74.. why ..why引導的賓語從句表示原因。

75.. dishonest由下文知那個學生4次逃票,所以是不誠實的。

76.. easy 句意:......發現逃票很容易。注意句型:it is +adj..+to do sth..

77.. in order to 句意:......為了節省錢,他經常逃票。

78.. four four times 四次。注意用基數詞

80.. best .. "honesty is the best rule"誠實才是上策。注意the後的最高端形式。


proving them wrong!

one evening i saw a documentary about albert einstein.. according to the documentary, einstein had done really 60_______ at school.. i began to think that einstein could 61then i may h**e a chance, too..

i didn't want to le**e my job, 62i decided to go to night school to finish high school.. two years later, i went to a 63university..

i've often thought i should contact the 64the einstein documentary

and 65him.. as for the biology teacher, i might contact her, too, one day - but not to thank her!


56.. difficult 根據下文"成績單總是寫著'應努力學習'"可生物對作者來說很難。

57..classes 句意為"不應選擇理科"

58.someone 對夢想成為醫生的人來說很糟糕

59..started 離開學習開始在超市上班。

60..badly 根據文獻愛因斯坦在學校曾經學的很糟。

61..succeed 愛因斯坦能成功,我可能還有機會。

62..so 連詞的考察"由於我不想丟掉工作,因此我決定上夜校。"

63..medical 根據上文夢想成為醫生,所以應為"上醫學院"

64..reporter 我應聯絡愛因斯坦文獻的記者



( 1 )

we can』t stop an earthquake(**), but we can do things to make sure they don』t destroy(毀壞) whole cities.. first, it is not a 1idea to build houses along lines where 2of the earth』s plates(板塊) join together.. second, if you think there 3be an earthquake, it is better to build houses on rocks , not on 4third, you must make the houses as 5as possible..

weak buildings will fall down in an earthquake, but strong ones may 6

scientists are 7that one day an even bigger earthquake will hit the part around san francisco(舊金山) .. they call it 「 the big one 」.. however, people today are still building more 8the population in and around san francisco is 9ten times more than it was in 1906..

this means that 10there is another earthquake, a great many houses and buildings will be destroyed..

2) (20xx四川宜賓) 第二節:選詞填空。(共8個小題,每小題1分,計8分)


mr.. shute lives in a village.. he has got a big family and a strong dog..

his farm is small 76 he is often free in winter.. so he goes to a city and finds work there..

mr.. shute thought his wife was right.. he then made his dog 83 his medicine instead..


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