初三時態複習 全

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(二)用法:1 表現階段經常性、習慣性的行為和動作。

2 目前存在的狀態

3. 客觀的真理.

(the sun rises in the east.)

(三)結構:①主語(第三人稱單數)+ v第三人稱單數形式 +其他

②第一,二人稱,複數主語 + v原形


1. he is a student.


2. they play football every afternoon.

主語(i / we / you / they)+動詞原形(do) +賓語

3.tom often helps others.

主語(第三人稱單數: he / she / ben / my father…)+動詞第三人稱單數(does) +賓語_


_always_ (總是usually_ (通常)

_often_ (經常sometimes_(有時)

_never _ (從不seldom (很少)

on weekdays (在工作日) at the weekend (在週末)

in the morning / afternoon / evening( 在早上/下午/晚上)

every sunday / on sundays (每逢星期天)

once a week / twice a week (一星期一次/兩次)

_every year / month / week / day / morning_(每年/月/星期/日/早上)


①一般情況直接+s 例:work - works

②動詞以ch ,sh ,o ,x,s 結尾 + es 例:catch – catches , watch – watches , brush – brushes , wash - washes

③動詞以子音+y結尾,把y改i + es 。 例: study - studies

④特殊 do – does , go – goes , h**e - has

(六) be的用法:i 用 am, you 用 are, is 用在他、她、它, 複數全部都用are。

1.肯定句: i am good at swimming.

否定句: i am not good at swimming.

一般疑問句: are you good at swimming?

2. 肯定句: you are students.

否定句: you aren』t / are not students.

一般疑問句: are you students?

3.肯定句: peter is in the classroom.

否定句: peter isn』t / is not in the classroom.

一般疑問句: is peter in the classroom?


肯定句:①主語+v 原形

例: go to school every day.

study hard.

do your homework.

②主語第三人稱單數+ 動詞第三人稱單數形式

例: goes to school every morning.

has breakfast every day.

否定句:①主語+don』tv 原形

例: don』t go to school every sunday

don』t study hard.

don』t do your homework.

②主語第三人稱單數+doesn』t+v 原形

例: doesn』t go to school every weekend

doesn』t h**e breakfast everyday.

疑問句:①do +主語+v 原形?

例: you go to schppl every week?

yes,i do./no,i don』t

you study hard?

----yes,i do./no,i don』t

3. do you do your homework?

----yes,i do./no,i don』t

②does +主語第三人稱單數+v 原形?

例: he go to school every day?

yes,he does./no,he doesn』t

peter h**e breakfast every day?

----yes,he does./no,he doesn』t




例: _will go_(go) shopping tomorrow.

are _going to swim_ (swim) in the river this afternoon.

is _going to watch_ (watch) tv this evening.

2.將來存在的狀態。(will be)

例: _will be_(be) sixteen next year.

_will be_(be) seventeen next year.


(明天) _tomorrow在2023年) _in 2012_

(兩小時內) _in two hours_ (從今以後) _from now on_

(後天) _the day after tomorrow_ (下星期一) _next monday_

(下星期/月/年/星期天…) _next week / month / year/sunday…_

(明天早上/下午/晚上) _tomorrow morning / afternoon / night_

(這個下午/週末) this afternoon、weekend ……

(今晚) tonight

(四)結構:①主語+be(am ,is ,are ) going to +v 原形 i am, you are , 單數 is , 複數 are



肯定句:①主語+助動詞 will (shall) +動詞原形+其他。

例:he will play football.

②主語+am / is / are going to +動詞原形+其它。

例:they are going to dance.

否定句:①主語+助動詞won』t (shan『t) + 動詞原形+其它。

例: will play football.

won』t play football.

②主語+am not / isn』t / aren』t going to + 動詞原形+其他。

例: are going to dance.

aren』t going to dance.

一般疑問句:把will; shall;或am / is / are提前。

例: will play football.

will he play football?

are going to dance.

are they going to dance?


1.shall 在表示將來時只用於第一人稱,will 可用於各種人稱。

2. be going to加動詞原形可表示計畫、打算、即將幹某事。

3. 在時間狀語從句和條件狀語從句中用一般現在時來代替將來時。

4.某些動詞可用現在進行時表將來時。(如: go, come, le**e, start, tr**el, arrive, return, begin, lose, do, h**e)

bus _is coming_ ( come ).

train is le**ing (le**e) in ten minutes.

3._are_ we_going_ ( go ) shopping tomorrow?

(注意)區別:in 與 after

例: will come back in two days.

came back after two days.





(一會兒前) _a moment ago剛才) _just now_

(今早) this morning (前天) _the day before yesterday_

(昨天) yesterday (兩天之後) _two days later / after two days_

(在2023年) in 1999在……之前) …ago

(有一天) _one day在……年前) in+過去年份

之前) before (兩天/月/年前) two days / months / years ago

(昨天早晨/ 下午/晚上) yesterday morning/ afternoon / evening

(上星期/昨晚/晚上/年/星期天) _last week / night / evening / year /sunday……_


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