
2023-01-24 19:57:06 字數 1484 閱讀 7834



[摘要] 目的:對正常高值血壓人群中的高血壓危險因素進行社群干預並評價其效果。方法:




[關鍵詞] 正常高值血壓;健康教育與健康促進;社群干預

[中圖分類號] r544.1[文獻標識碼]a [文章編號]1673-7210(2010)02(b)-025-03

evaluate the effectiveness of community intervention on hypertension risk factors in people with high-normal blood pressure

gu furong1, zhuang zaisheng2, luo hong2, zhang yongjian1, ji jianlong1, ma jin′an2

( people′s hospital of shenzhen city, shenzhen 518067, china; people′s hospital of shenzhen city, shenzhen 518055, china)

[abstract] objective: to intervene on hypertension risk factors in population with high-normal blood pressure and evaluate the effectiveness. methods:

total number of 646 people with high-normal blood pressure from 10 communities were screened out and health intervention was carried out. results: after 1-year of intervention, the number of people who knows, believes and take actions to prevent hypertension significantly increased by 32.

81% (p0.05). conclusion:

community intervention of population with high-normal blood pressure can help this group population to change their unhealthy habits, establish a healthy life style and promote or maintain health.


男性 4.0 5.5 x 10的12次方 l 400萬 550萬 mm的3次方 女性 3.5 5.0 x 10的12次方 l 350萬 500萬 mm的3次方 血紅蛋白 hb 正常參考值 1 男性 120 160g l 12 16g dl 2 女性 110 150g l 11 15g dl 3 新生...

大地高 正高 正常高

大地高是指以參考橢球面作為高程基準面的高程系統,是地面點沿法線到參考橢球面的距離。正高是地面點沿重力線到大地水準面的距離。正常高是指從一地面點沿過此點的正常重力線到似大地水準面的距離。似大地水準面精華的目的就是為了求得高程異常,以實現大地高和正常高的相互換算。大地水準面 也稱為重力等位面,它既是乙個...


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