
2023-01-24 13:24:05 字數 2035 閱讀 9295

unit 6

1. 很明顯,與他爭論無濟於事。

it』s obvious that it is no use to argue with him.

2. 他在我們學校演的劇中扮演老國王的角色。

he played the role of the old king in our school play

3. 她在這張**中顯得很年輕。

this photograph makes her look very young.

4. 他幫助那位教授編了那本詞典。

he assisted the professor in compiling the dictionary.

5. 請你務必查清房間上鎖後再離開。

please make sure that the house is locked up before you le**e.

unit 5

1. 講解員的講解非常有吸引力。

the guide made her introduction very appealing.

2. 簡單點兒吧,別用那些專業術語了。

please use ****** words rather than a lot of jargon.

3. 不要急於回答,留出一些討論的餘地。

please resist the impulse to respond quickly and le**e some opening for discussion.

4. 一些啟發性的問題可以鼓勵孩子思考。

some leading questions can help the children to think for themselves.

5. 面臨困難的時候堅持下去就會取得回報。

it pays to persist in the face of difficulties.

unite 7

1. 他認為保衛祖國抵禦敵人是自己的職責。

he thinks that it is his duty to defend his country against enemies.

2. 不要太重視他的話

don』t attach too much importance to what he said.

3. 他從來沒有想過她也許是在撒謊。

it never occurred to him that she might be telling lies.

4. 他還沒想好將來要幹什麼

he hasn』t figured out what he is going to do .

5. 回想起我們在那裡度過的乙個月,我們心中充滿了感激之情。

as we looking back on the month we spent there, our hearts are filled with gratitude.

6. 他忘記應該維持秩序了。

he forgot that he was supposed to be keeping order.

unite 9


more likeily than not,she forgot all about it.


this means that we effectively h**e no chance of finishing it on time.


we will persist (persevere) regardless of past failure.


successful leaders dominate events rather than react to them afferwards.


the superiority in science and technology helps this company defeat all its competitors.

日語句子課後 日語二外課後句子翻譯整理

1.您是山下先生嗎?2.王 本 這是老王的書嗎?3.私 明天大概冷吧!5.人 日本人 那個人大概是日本人吧!6.日本 月 一月 在中國最冷的月份是一月。8.日本 一番 月 八月 在日本最熱的月份是八月。9.中國 上海 一番 在中國上海最大。10.冬 夏天熱,冬天冷。11.暑 去年不熱。13.寒前天不...

It職業英語教程 一級 課後翻譯

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