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unit 1 book 5


(1)she提出了一些建議)for educational reform.


2.用put back/put forward/put aside/put off/put out/put up的適當形式填空

(1)many tall buildings werein our city.

(2)with the help of the firefighters,the big fire wassoon.

(3)he has little money tofor a rainy day.

(4)don』tuntil tomorrow what can be done today.

(5)the plan that youat the meeting is very good.

(6)my watch is fast;it needsby five minutes.


(1)let me ______(用一句諺語結束我的演講):where there is a will,there is a way.

(2)after waiting for half an hour,i得出結論,他不會來了).

(3最後),i would like to thank you for your coming to meeting.

(4)these are facts你從中得出什麼結論)?


[即學即練] (1)hehis speech with a joke. 他以乙個笑話結束了他的演講。

(2)the meetingat nine o『clock. 會議9點鐘結束了。

(3)the policethat he must be the murderer. 警察斷定他一定是殺人**。

(4wish all of you good health and a long life.最後祝大家健康長壽。

(5i would like to thank all the people present at the meeting today.



(1)zhang yining艱難地戰勝了李佳薇)in the 29th olympics.

(2)the problem把我難住了)and i can』t solve it.

(3)the party面臨失敗)in the election.


(1)he _______ all his opponents in the election. (2)mary _______ the first prize for swimming.

[即學即練](1)he didn『tyesterday.他昨天沒有參加會議。

(2)he was very tired after the long run, and expected somebodyhim.


(3)business has to生意是必須要料理的。

(4your studies. 專心你的學習。


(1)all children between the ages of 5 and 16必須上學).

(2)i may be late—i h**e got one or two things to要處理).

(3)he參軍)when he was 19.

(4)she often參加運動會)in middle school.



(2)the liquid不可暴露在空氣中),for it will soon evaporate.

(3)the film已經**了).

(4)we want to讓孩子們受到藝術和文化的薰陶).

(5)the more one受英語環境的影響),the better he or she will learn the language.

[即學即練](1)my job as a journalist is to我作為記者的職責就是揭露事實。

(2)don『t ______ babies ______ strong sunlight.不要讓嬰兒受到強烈陽光的照射。

(3)it』s very dangerous tothese viruses without any protection.


[即學即練] (1)the doctor can't ______ her ______ the cancer.醫生治不好她的癌症。

(2)nothing can ______ you ______ your bad habits.沒有什麼能去掉你的壞習慣。

(3)this issars.這是一種新的sars**方法。


(1)a sponge吸水).

(2)the little girl全神貫注地閱讀著一篇故事).

(3)every time i passed his office,i saw him全神貫注地工作).

[即學即練6](1)black clothlight.黑色布料吸收光線。

(2)did you ______ everything the professor said?教授說的你全部理解了嗎?

(3)hedeep thought.他陷入沉思。


(1)i began tothat) they were trying to get rid of me.我開始懷疑他們試圖擺脫我。

(2)they ______ him ______ murder.他們懷疑他犯有**罪。

(3)what made youher ______ h**ing taken the money?你憑什麼懷疑錢是她偷的?

(4)the police arrested theyesterday.**昨天逮捕了那個嫌疑犯。


(1)她把婚姻的觸礁歸咎於他。shehimthe failure of their marriage.

(2)別想賴我!don』t go trying toitme!

(3)如果有人該承擔責任,那就是我。if anyoneit』s me.


10.用介詞on/for填空 (1)the driver was not to blamethe accident.

(2)people often blame their misfortuneothers.

(3)he stole the money but he』s trying to put the blameme.

[即學即練5](1)heme ______ my carelessness.他責備我的疏忽大意。

(2)mr li is notthe accident.這次事故不能怨李先生。

(3)where doesour failure lie?我們失敗的癥結在**?


(1)all the people in our school向四川災區捐獻了東西).

(2)various factors導致了他的倒台).

(3)she經常投稿)a physics journal.

(4)many people給這個可憐的小男孩捐錢),which使他重新回到了校園).a writer wrote a story about it and把它投到了報社).


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unit 1 1 調查 測驗n.2 合計 3 心煩意亂的 不安的 不適的adj.使不安 使心煩vt.4 不理睬 忽視vt.5 使 平靜 使 鎮定vt.vi.平靜的 鎮靜的 沉著的adj.6 使 平靜下來 使 鎮定下來 7 不得不 必須 8 使 擔憂 涉及 關係到vt.擔心 關注 利害 關係n.9 關...