
2022-12-30 14:30:05 字數 2025 閱讀 2740


《recycle 2 a farewell party》教案第六課時

活動前  1.教師向學生宣布活動的時間、內容等事宜,學生上報節目。

t: good morning, boys and girl. it is the end of the school year.

we』re going to h**e a farewell party next ….would you like to perform at the party?

本部分使用的語言:what can you do? can you …?


2. 邀請來賓、發請柬。



所使用的語言:do you h**e …? i want …. how much …?






師生共同布置會場,會場布置好後,讓大家用英語描述。所使用語言:there is/are…. in/on..以及有關顏色、數量、形狀等單詞。



may i h**e your attention, please? the english farewell party is about to begin. please take your seats.

ladies and gentlemen! boys and girls! now the farewell party will begin.

welcome to our farewell party. every student here, i』m sure, has made rapid progress in six years. for this, we should offer our heartfelt thanks to our dear teachers and parents.

today we』ll offer you 10 presentations, all by the students. we hope you will enjoy them.

now the first part of our program will be a dance called 「…」 by … and …. now here are … and ….

the next part of our program will be some sweet songs/a fashion show/ a solo/ a duet/piano..

now … and … will perform a kuaibanr ballad called 「…」.

the next part will be a music opera/chorus called 「…」 i think you will enjoy watching their performance.

now we』ll h**e an instrumental ensemble 「…」.

now the students will perform an english play 「...」 let』s enjoy it together.

well, now the students will perform a recitation of a poem called 「…」.

ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, that』s the end of our farewell party. thank you for coming. goodbye!





四 提高學科教學質量的主要措施 1 認真備課,注重對教材的鑽研,切實加強課堂研究。2 認真上課,加強課堂管理,提高教學效率。3 要經常聽課 說課,取長補短,在實踐中反思,在反思中提高,不斷提公升自己駕馭課堂的能力。4 繼續培養學生良好的學習習慣。5 在教學中,堅持 以讀為主,以講助讀,以各種教輔手段...

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