
2022-12-26 09:06:03 字數 7906 閱讀 8370

' 用途:將十進位制轉化為二進位制

' 輸入:dec(十進位制數)

' 輸入資料型別:long

' 輸出:dec_to_bin(二進位制數)

' 輸出資料型別:string

' 輸入的最大數為2147483647,輸出最大數為1111111111111111111111111111111(31個1)

public function dec_to_bin(byval dec as long) as string

dec_to_bin = ""

do while dec > 0

dec_to_bin = dec mod 2 & dec_to_bin

dec = dec \ 2


end function

' 用途:將二進位制轉化為十進位制

' 輸入:bin(二進位制數)

' 輸入資料型別:string

' 輸出:bin_to_dec(十進位制數)

' 輸出資料型別:long

' 輸入的最大數為1111111111111111111111111111111(31個1),輸出最大數為2147483647

public function bin_to_dec(byval bin as string) as long

dim i as long

for i = 1 to len(bin)

bin_to_dec = bin_to_dec * 2 + val(mid(bin, i, 1))

next i

end function

' 用途:將十六進製制轉化為二進位制

' 輸入:hex(十六進製制數)

' 輸入資料型別:string

' 輸出:hex_to_bin(二進位制數)

' 輸出資料型別:string

' 輸入的最大數為***個字元

public function hex_to_bin(byval hex as string) as string

dim i as long

dim b as string

hex = ucase(hex)

for i = 1 to len(hex)

select case mid(hex, i, 1)

case "0": b = b & "0000"

case "1": b = b & "0001"

case "2": b = b & "0010"

case "3": b = b & "0011"

case "4": b = b & "0100"

case "5": b = b & "0101"

case "6": b = b & "0110"

case "7": b = b & "0111"

case "8": b = b & "1000"

case "9": b = b & "1001"

case "a": b = b & "1010"

case "b": b = b & "1011"

case "c": b = b & "1100"

case "d": b = b & "1101"

case "e": b = b & "1110"

case "f": b = b & "1111"

end select

next i

while left(b, 1) = "0"

b = right(b, len(b) - 1)


hex_to_bin = b

end function

' 用途:將二進位制轉化為十六進製制

' 輸入:bin(二進位制數)

' 輸入資料型別:string

' 輸出:bin_to_hex(十六進製制數)

' 輸出資料型別:string

' 輸入的最大數為***個字元

public function bin_to_hex(byval bin as string) as string

dim i as long

dim h as string

if len(bin) mod 4 <> 0 then

bin = string(4 - len(bin) mod 4, "0") & bin

end if

for i = 1 to len(bin) step 4

select case mid(bin, i, 4)

case "0000": h = h & "0"

case "0001": h = h & "1"

case "0010": h = h & "2"

case "0011": h = h & "3"

case "0100": h = h & "4"

case "0101": h = h & "5"

case "0110": h = h & "6"

case "0111": h = h & "7"

case "1000": h = h & "8"

case "1001": h = h & "9"

case "1010": h = h & "a"

case "1011": h = h & "b"

case "1100": h = h & "c"

case "1101": h = h & "d"

case "1110": h = h & "e"

case "1111": h = h & "f"

end select

next i

while left(h, 1) = "0"

h = right(h, len(h) - 1)


bin_to_hex = h

end function

' 用途:將十六進製制轉化為十進位制

' 輸入:hex(十六進製制數)

' 輸入資料型別:string

' 輸出:hex_to_dec(十進位制數)

' 輸出資料型別:long

' 輸入的最大數為7fffffff,輸出的最大數為2147483647

public function hex_to_dec(byval hex as string) as long

dim i as long

dim b as long

hex = ucase(hex)

for i = 1 to len(hex)

select case mid(hex, len(hex) - i + 1, 1)

case "0": b = b + 16 ^ (i - 1) * 0

case "1": b = b + 16 ^ (i - 1) * 1

case "2": b = b + 16 ^ (i - 1) * 2

case "3": b = b + 16 ^ (i - 1) * 3

case "4": b = b + 16 ^ (i - 1) * 4

case "5": b = b + 16 ^ (i - 1) * 5

case "6": b = b + 16 ^ (i - 1) * 6

case "7": b = b + 16 ^ (i - 1) * 7

case "8": b = b + 16 ^ (i - 1) * 8

case "9": b = b + 16 ^ (i - 1) * 9

case "a": b = b + 16 ^ (i - 1) * 10

case "b": b = b + 16 ^ (i - 1) * 11

case "c": b = b + 16 ^ (i - 1) * 12

case "d": b = b + 16 ^ (i - 1) * 13

case "e": b = b + 16 ^ (i - 1) * 14

case "f": b = b + 16 ^ (i - 1) * 15

end select

next i

hex_to_dec = b

end function

' 用途:將十進位制轉化為十六進製制

' 輸入:dec(十進位制數)

' 輸入資料型別:long

' 輸出:dec_to_hex(十六進製制數)

' 輸出資料型別:string

' 輸入的最大數為2147483647,輸出最大數為7fffffff

public function dec_to_hex(dec as long) as string

dim a as string

dec_to_hex = ""

do while dec > 0

a = cstr(dec mod 16)

select case a

case "10": a = "a"

case "11": a = "b"

case "12": a = "c"

case "13": a = "d"

case "14": a = "e"

case "15": a = "f"

end select

dec_to_hex = a & dec_to_hex

dec = dec \ 16


end function

' 用途:將十進位制轉化為八進位制

' 輸入:dec(十進位制數)

' 輸入資料型別:long

' 輸出:dec_to_oct(八進位制數)

' 輸出資料型別:string

' 輸入的最大數為2147483647,輸出最大數為177********

public function dec_to_oct(byval dec as long) as string

dec_to_oct = ""

do while dec > 0

dec_to_oct = dec mod 8 & dec_to_oct

dec = dec \ 8


end function

' 用途:將八進位制轉化為十進位制

' 輸入:oct(八進位制數)

' 輸入資料型別:string

' 輸出:oct_to_dec(十進位制數)

' 輸出資料型別:long

' 輸入的最大數為177********,輸出的最大數為2147483647

public function oct_to_dec(byval oct as string) as long

dim i as long

dim b as long

for i = 1 to len(oct)

select case mid(oct, len(oct) - i + 1, 1)

case "0": b = b + 8 ^ (i - 1) * 0

case "1": b = b + 8 ^ (i - 1) * 1

case "2": b = b + 8 ^ (i - 1) * 2

case "3": b = b + 8 ^ (i - 1) * 3

case "4": b = b + 8 ^ (i - 1) * 4

case "5": b = b + 8 ^ (i - 1) * 5

case "6": b = b + 8 ^ (i - 1) * 6

case "7": b = b + 8 ^ (i - 1) * 7

end select

next i

oct_to_dec = b

end function

' 用途:將二進位制轉化為八進位制

' 輸入:bin(二進位制數)

' 輸入資料型別:string

' 輸出:bin_to_oct(八進位制數)

' 輸出資料型別:string

' 輸入的最大數為***個字元

public function bin_to_oct(byval bin as string) as string

dim i as long

dim h as string

if len(bin) mod 3 <> 0 then

bin = string(3 - len(bin) mod 3, "0") & bin

end if

for i = 1 to len(bin) step 3

select case mid(bin, i, 3)

case "000": h = h & "0"

case "001": h = h & "1"

case "010": h = h & "2"

case "011": h = h & "3"

case "100": h = h & "4"

case "101": h = h & "5"

case "110": h = h & "6"

case "111": h = h & "7"

end select

next i

while left(h, 1) = "0"

h = right(h, len(h) - 1)


bin_to_oct = h

end function

' 用途:將八進位制轉化為二進位制

' 輸入:oct(八進位制數)

' 輸入資料型別:string

' 輸出:oct_to_bin(二進位制數)

' 輸出資料型別:string

' 輸入的最大數為***個字元

public function oct_to_bin(byval oct as string) as string

dim i as long

dim b as string

for i = 1 to len(oct)

select case mid(oct, i, 1)

case "0": b = b & "000"

case "1": b = b & "001"

case "2": b = b & "010"

case "3": b = b & "011"

case "4": b = b & "100"

case "5": b = b & "101"

case "6": b = b & "110"

case "7": b = b & "111"

end select

next i

while left(b, 1) = "0"

b = right(b, len(b) - 1)


oct_to_bin = b

end function

' 用途:將八進位制轉化為十六進製制

' 輸入:oct(八進位制數)

' 輸入資料型別:string

' 輸出:oct_to_hex(十六進製制數)

' 輸出資料型別:string

' 輸入的最大數為***個字元

public function oct_to_hex(byval oct as string) as string

dim bin as string

bin = oct_to_bin(oct)

oct_to_hex = bin_to_hex(bin)

end function

' 用途:將十六進製制轉化為八進位制

' 輸入:hex(十六進製制數)

' 輸入資料型別:string

' 輸出:hex_to_oct(八進位制數)

' 輸出資料型別:string

' 輸入的最大數為***個字元

public function hex_to_oct(byval hex as string) as string

dim bin as string

hex = ucase(hex)

bin = hex_to_bin(hex)

hex_to_oct = bin_to_oct(bin)

end function


不同進製數的轉換 1 將r進製數轉換成十進位制數 將r進製數轉換為等值的十進位制數,只要將r進製數按位權展開,再按十進位制運算規則運算即可。2 將十進位制數轉換成r進製數 將十進位制數的整數部分和小數部分分別進行轉換,然後合併起來。十進位制數整數轉換成r進製數,採用逐次除以基數r取餘數的方法,其步驟...


二進位制,八進位制十進位制十六進製制之間資料轉換怎麼轉?1 二進位制數 八進位制數 十六進製制數轉十進位制數 有乙個公式 二進位制數 八進位制數 十六進製制數的各位數字分別乖以各自的基數的 n 1 次方,其和相加之和便是相應的十進位制數。個位,n 1 十位,n 2.舉例 110b 1 2的2次方 1...


知識目標 1 了解數制的基本概念 2 掌握其它進製轉十進位制和十進位制轉其它進製的方法 情感目標 1 培養學生嚴謹的思考方式 2 培養學生相互合作的精神 教學重點 1 非十進位制轉化為十進位制 2 十進位制轉化為非十進位制 3 二進位制 八進位制和十六進製制的相互轉化 教學難點 非十進位制轉化為十進...