
2022-12-23 04:15:04 字數 3167 閱讀 6391


把咖啡灑到了筆to stand up and jostled the table, spilling his不小心撞到了桌子,

coffee over his notes. "how embarrassing. i am記本上。「真丟臉啊,這把年級了還

毛毛糙糙的。」他不好意思地說。getting so clumsy in my old age."


tellingstoriesofourmostembarrassingmoments.們都開始講述自己經歷的最尷尬的it came around to frankwho sat quietly listening時刻。一圈過來,輪到一直默默坐在"comeon,那兒聽別人講的弗蘭克了。

有人說:us your most embarrassing moment."

frank began," i grew up in san pedro. my dad

「我是was a fisherman, and he loved the sea. he had his弗蘭克開始了他的講述。

我爸爸是一位漁own boat, but it was hard ****** a living on the在桑派德羅長大的。

sea. he worked hard and would stay out until he夫,他非常熱愛大海。他有自己的小

caught enough to feed he family. not just enough船,但是靠在海上捕魚為生太艱難for our family, but also for his mom and dad and了。他辛勤的勞動著,一直待在海上



」he was a big man, and he was strong from pulling爺奶奶以及還未成遠的弟弟妹妹,弗蘭克看著我們,繼續說,「我真希

他是乙個身材you got close to him, he smelled the ocean."望你們見過我的爸爸,


frank'svoicedroppedabit."whentheweather海搏鬥的緣故,他十分強壯。走進他時,你能夠聞到他身上散發出來的大right up in front, and it seemed like everybody海的氣息。

」would be standing around and watching. then he


for me. here i was twelve years old, and my dad校。他會把車停在學校正門口,好像would lean over and kiss me good-bye!


hepausedandthenwenton,"iremembertheday口,告訴我要做乙個好孩子。這讓我i thought i was too old for a good-bye kiss. when覺得很難為情。

那時我已經12歲看,we got the school and came to a stop, he had his而爸爸還俯身給我乙個道別的親吻。」i put my hand up and said,' no, dad.' it was the

first time i had ever talked to him that way, and弗蘭克停頓了一下,又繼續說

道:「我還記得那天。我認為自己已he had this surprised looked on his face.


isaid,'dad,i'mtoooldforagood-byekiss.當我們到了學校停下來的時候,像往i'm too old for any kind of kiss.' my dad looked常一樣爸爸露出了燦爛的笑容,他開at me for the longest tine, and his eyes started始向我俯下身來,然後我抬手擋住了他,『不,爸爸。



looked our the windshield.' you're right,' hesaid.' you are a big boy a man.

i won't kissyou anymore.'"


for the moment, frank got a funny look on his了。也不再適合任何的親吻了。』爸face, and the tears began to well up in his eyes.

爸盯著我看了好長時間,潸然淚下。"itwasn'tlongafterthatwhenmydadwenttosea我從來未見過他哭泣。他轉過身子,and never came back.

"i looked at frank and saw that tears wereyoudon'tknowwhatiwoudgivetoh**emydadgive

mejustonemorekissonthecheektofeelhis講到這兒,弗蘭克臉上露出了古rough old face to smell the ocean on him怪的表情,淚水還是在眼眶裡打轉。to feel his arm around my neck. i wish i had been「從那之後沒多久,爸爸出海後就再也沒回來了。

」i would never h**e told my dad i was too old fora good-bye kiss."








注意 本法不可用於做壞事,違者必究。首先要滿足以下條件 1 要在晚上 2 天氣要冷 3 你和她的關係達到可以拉手拍肩膀的程度 具體步驟如下 冬天的晚上,你送她回家在車站等車時,對她說 你的耳朵紅了,是不是很冷?她點頭或說是,就完成了第一步。幫她捂耳朵,是用手把她的耳朵完全抓在手裡的方法,如果她不反對...


一張考卷,幾分浮動,換得巴掌與吻。是耶?非耶?報以無奈苦笑。僅從表面上看,母親對從滿分降為98分的退步的孩子求全責備,而對雖然一開始不及格 但後來進步的孩子不吝愛吻,是不是僅說明這位母親鼓勵進步之可取與苛責退步之不妥呢?並非如此,撥開表面的巴掌與吻之別,在這幅漫畫中,我們應看到僅僅是分數上的一點變化...