2023年江蘇牛津英語中考翻譯句子 無答案

2022-12-12 03:30:03 字數 4020 閱讀 5609


ⅴ. 完成句子(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)


61. 他的叔叔習慣每天早飯後去散步。

his uncle getsgoing out for a walkevery day.

62. 黛安娜已經離開家鄉十年了,她希望盡快回來。

dianaher hometown for ten years and she hopes to come backpossible.

63. 那輛大卡車突然失去控制,它停下來後佔據了馬路的三分之一。

that big truck wassuddenly. itone third of the road after it stopped.

64. 我的弟弟有足夠的耐心,他等半小時也不會生氣。

my brother isto wait for half an hour without

65. tfboys的這首新歌很流行,我們大部分人都認為它值得一聽。

the new song by tfboys isthat most of us think is

六、 完成句子(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)


66讓我驚訝的是), that robot can drive a car.

—i』ve never seen such a wonderful robot, either.

67. —i know jack has already collected成千上萬的郵票).

—yes, he』s crazy about it.

68. lisa, pay attention to the instructions, please! this sweater應該被洗) by hand in cold water.

69. —why didn』t you finish the project on time?

—i』m sorry. searching the internet for some information占用) the whole afternoon.

70為了提供) passengers with better service, about 300 trains in china started free wifi service this year.

五、 根據所給漢語完成下列句子,每空詞數不限。(共5小題;每小題1分,滿分5分)

61. 老師要求我們按時上交作業。

teachers require us to our homework on time.

62. 約翰太粗心了,不能照看好他的寵物。

john is look after his pets well.

63. 結果證明,**案和那個工程師無關。

it turned out that the engineer the murder.

64. 一天工作之後,他筋疲力盡。

after a day』s work, he was .

65. 月球上的食物很可能會以藥片的形式存在,而且味道沒那麼可口。

food on the moon would most probably be pills and would not be tasty.


1. 這部紀錄片有助於我們近距離觀察美國的學校生活。

this documentary helps usthe school life in america.

2. 在去年的夏令營活動中,營員們彼此和睦相處。

in the summer camp last year, all the members


computer games. instead, they like reading.

4. 假如新能源使用更加廣泛,環境汙染將會大為減少。

if new energythere will be much less pollution.

5. 自從來到無錫,我們學校的外教已經習慣了這裡的生活。

the foreign teacher in our schoolhere since he came to wuxi.

6. 你能告訴我如此寒冷的天氣將持續多久嗎?

could you tell me


54. 你為什麼不學會獨自處理這個問題?

why don't you learn

55. 成龍在昨天的會議上建議我們參加慈善活動

jackie chanat the meeting yesterday.

56. 她寧願嚴格要求自己也不願放棄夢想

she would rather

57. 打斷別人說話多沒禮貌啊!


58. 這本書會盡快翻譯成英語嗎?

will the book

59. 你的未來取決於你現在如何努力學習。

your future

. 完成句子(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)

1. 像往常一樣,我們放學後步行回家。

we went back homeafter school.

2. 你最好不要熬夜,這樣才能保持健康。

younot stay up late, so you can

3. 今天下午我們將上一節關於美國鄉村**的課,不要遲到。

this afternoon we will h**e a lesson about americandon』tclass.

4. 開啟電視好嗎?我想知道明天的天氣預報。

would you pleasethe tv? i want to know thefor tomorrow.

5. 這個女孩既不喜歡唱歌也不喜歡跳舞,但她偏愛畫畫。

the girl enjoysbut she prefers to draw pictures.



66. now more and more young people讓座)the elderly on the bus in our city.

67. sandy is looking forward to成為一員)the *****cut club of our school.

68. —i miss my neighbours very much after i moved in the new flat.

—so do i. i過去常常)play cards and chinese chess with them.

69. —how do you usually go to work?

—i usually go to work by bus. but sometimes i開車去上班).

70. john』s parents h**e gone abroad. he keeps asking他們什麼時候會回來).


1. 我記憶中的父親不苟言笑,對我嚴格要求。

in my memory, father was a man of few words and he

2. 這些簡訊很無聊,不值得回覆。

these short messages are so boring that they

3. 人生價值並不取決於你是誰,而是你做什麼。

the value of life does notbut what you do.

4. 這對新人相愛多年,今天終成眷屬。真好!

the new couplewith each other for many years and they are finally getting married today. how nice!

上海牛津英語2B句子 翻譯版

上海牛津英語2b期末複習 中英文對照表2007.6.12 2009 03 20 1上海牛津英語2b期末複習 中英文對照表 2007.6.12 班級姓名 1 在紙上畫只奶牛。2 在地上畫只鴨子。3 你看見什麼?我看見乙隻鳥。4 你聽到了什麼?我聽到了乙隻青蛙。5 我有乙隻母雞。6 我有四個雞蛋。回來。...

牛津高中英語模組1 5課文翻譯

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