
2022-12-11 23:12:03 字數 4358 閱讀 7411


+adj. +for sb. + to do sth. 對某人來說,做某事是。。。

eg. it』s quite important for students to care and protect their eyes.


it』s necessary for us to learn from others.


+adj.+of sb.+to do sth. 某人做某事真是。。。的。

eg. it』s foolish of her to make such mistakes.她犯這樣錯誤真是愚蠢。

it』s very kind of you to help me so much.你幫我那麼多真太好了。

sth. is +adj. +for sb. 做某事對某人是。。。。。。的。

more fruit and vegetables is good for our health.


giving up smoking is not easy for my father.戒菸對我爸爸來說不容易。

+ take +sb. + time + to do sth..做某事花費某人時間。

took me half an hour to arrive at the airport yesterday.


how long does it take you to get to school on foot every day?


5. it seems/seemed that....好像。。。

eg. it seems that many people all over the world drink chinese tea.


it seemed that she was sleeping then. 那時她好像在睡覺。

said/reported/believed/supposed that...據說/據報道/據相信/據猜測...

said that jim has won the first place in the maths exam.


it』s reported that the president of the usa will visit china.


7. the+比+主+謂+其它,the+比+主+謂+其它。越......就越......

more careful you are in the exam, the fewer mistakes you will make.


the more books you read, the more you will understand.


8. sb.+spend+time/money+on sth./(in)doing sth.

eg. tom used to spend lots of time playing computer games.


i spent two hours on my homework/doing my homework yesterday.


9. sb+pay+money+for sth.

eg. i paid 200 yuan for this pair of shoes .我花了200元買了這雙鞋。

how much does he pay for the shirt ? 他買這件襯衫多少錢?

10. sth+cost+(sb.+)money. 某物值(花某人)多少錢

eg. how much does it cost? 它多少錢?

the english dictionary cost me 50 yuan,but it』s useful to me.


one』s duty to do sth. 做某事是某人的職責。

eg. it』s our duty to s**e the earth. 拯救地球是我們的職責。

it』s the parents』duty to provide a clean and cofortable environment athome for their children.為孩子們提供乙個乾淨舒適的環境是父母的責任。

be sb./sth. doing sth. 有某人/某物在做某事。

are many people ****** a film in the street.有人在街上拍電影。

there must be someone knocking at the door. 肯定有人敲門。

time for sth./it』s time for sb. to do sth.該是某人做某事的時候了

time for class. 該上課了。

it』s time for children to go to bed. 孩子們該睡覺了。

not/why don』t you do sth.? 為什麼不做某事呢?

not ask the teacher for help?為什麼不請教老師呢?

why don』t you look them up in a dictionary?為什麼不查查字典呢?

15. what/how about doing sth.? 做某事怎麼樣?

eg. how about inviting them to my party? 邀請他們來我聚會怎麼樣?

what about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?


you mind doing sth.? 你介意做某事嗎?

you mind me smoking here? 你介意在這吸菸嗎?

would you mind opening the window to let the fresh air in?


you please do sth.? 請問你能做某事嗎?

you please lend me your bike?你能把你的自行車借給我嗎?

could you please give me a hand? the books are he**y.


you like sth./ to do sth.?你想要某物/做某事嗎?

you like something to drink?你想要一些喝的嗎?

would you like to go to the movies with me? 你想和我一起去看電影嗎?

we do sth.? /let』s do sth,shall we? 讓我們去做某事,好嗎?

we go to the beach for vacation? 我們去沙灘度假好嗎?

let』s wait for a bus there,shall we? 讓我們等車去那好嗎?

20.祈使句,+and/or +陳述句。

careful, and you will get good grades.細心點,你就會取得好成績。

study harder than before,or you will fail in the exam.


21.現在完成時態(延續性動詞)+for +時間段

eg. how long h**e you been like this?你像這樣多長時間了?

i h**e been away from school for two years. 我畢業兩年了。

he has had the bike for a long time. 他買這輛自行車很長時間了。

you ever been to...? 你曾經去過......?

you ever been to an amusement park? 你曾經去過娛樂公園嗎?

h**e you ever been there? 你曾經去過那兒嗎?


eg. the car is too expensive for me to afford.這輛車太貴我買不起。

you』re never too careful to cross the road.你過馬路時,再小心也不為過

24. so...that... 如此......以至於......

was so excited that he couldn』t sleep last night.


重溫重點句型 1 so be 助動詞 情牽動詞 主語 前面陳述的肯定情況也適於另一人 物 時,常用到這種倒裝結構,表示 另一人 物 也如此。前面陳述的否定情況也 適於另一人 物 時,常用 neither nor be 助動詞 情態動詞 主語 這種倒裝結構。例如 he likes playing ba...


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few a few little a little的區別和聯絡 few a few用來修飾可數名詞,few表示否定意義,沒有,幾乎沒有 a few表示有肯定意思,有幾個。例如 he has few friends here,he feels lonely.他這裡沒朋友,他感覺寂寞。there are...