The Earthworm Digs Land 科普英語

2022-11-21 02:27:06 字數 3631 閱讀 4455

the earthworm digs land(挖土地的蚯蚓)

earthworms belong(屬於) to the worm(蠕蟲) group of invertebrates(無脊椎動物). they live in moist(潮濕的) soil underground.

earthworms h**e long, soft bodies with no legs. they are made up(由…做成的) of many segments(段,部分). they do not h**e eyes, ears, or a nose, but they can sence movements in the ground.

the earthworm eats soil and the decaying(腐爛) plants and material (物質原料)in it. the earthworm takes in(讓。。。進入) food from its mouth, the intestines(內臟) digest(消化) the food, and the anus pushes out waste.

the worm』s circulatory(迴圈的) system(系統) is made up of blood vessels(血管) and five hearts. this system carries blood through the worm』s whole body.

the earthworm digs tunnels through the soil as it moves. these tunnels let air and water into the soil. the waste from earthworms fertilizes (使…肥沃)the soil and makes it rich.

the light, rich soil where earthworms dig is good for plants, such as farm crops(農作物).

the digging that earthworms do is very important for people. without earthworms, soil would become hard and would not be good for farming.









1:belong to 屬於

the house is belong to me.這個房子是屬於我的。

2: the worm group of 蠕蟲類的…

3:make up (1)由…做成的

the doors of the palace were made of beaten gold. 宮殿的門由金箔做成。


(1)化妝 make-up man 化妝師

(2)編造 he made up some excuse about he help an old lady cross the road.


4:take in 讓..,進入


(1) 呼吸,吸取 take in the fresh air. 吸入新鮮空氣

(2) 排出they both take in and expel matter.它們既吸取物質也排放物質。

5:live in moist soil住在濕潤的土壤中

6:be good for 對…有好處

7:as it moves 當它移動時

8: push out 排出

9:make it rich 使它肥沃

10:decaying plants 腐爛的植物

定語從句:(1)the light, rich soil where earthworms dig is good for plants, such as farm crops.


(2) the digging that earthworms do is very important for people.



earthworms belong to the worm(蠕蟲) group of invertebrates(無脊椎動物). they live in 1 soil underground.

earthworms h**e long, soft bodies with no legs. they are 2_of many segments(段,部分). they do not h**e eyes, ears, or a nose, but they can sence movements in the 3__.

the earthworm eats soil and the decaying(腐爛) plants and material (物質原料)in it. the earthworm __4__ food from its mouth, the intestines(內臟) digest(消化) the food, and the anus pushes out waste. the worm』s circulatory(迴圈的) system(系統) is made up of blood vessels(血管) and five hearts.

this system _5_ blood _6_the worm』s whole body.

the earthworm digs tunnels through the soil _ 7 it moves. these tunnels let air and water into the soil. the _ 8 from earthworms fertilizes (使…肥沃)the soil and makes it rich.

the light, rich soil _9 earthworms dig is good for plants, such as farm crops(農作物).

the digging that earthworms do is very important for people. without earthworms, soil would 10 hard and would not be good for farming.

1. a. moist

2. for up from in

3.4. in in



小英五年級上冊7 9課練習科普版

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