
2021-04-13 22:05:08 字數 4133 閱讀 9951

外語系(foreign language department):

話劇比賽drama competition

英語演講比賽 english speech contest

八系辯論賽eight departments invitational debate competition

黑板報設計大賽 blackboard poster design contest

ppt設計大賽 courseware design competition

文明宿舍outstanding dormitory

ok杯籃球比賽 ok cup for basketball game

我心飛揚歌唱比賽 「my heart flies」 singing competition

中文系( department of chinese language and literature):

詩歌朗誦比賽 poetry recitation contest

詩歌創作比賽 poetry creation contest

攝影大賽photography competition

金話筒比賽golden microphone」 competition

興我中華演講比賽 speech competition on revitalizing china

課件比賽courseware design contest

報刊比賽press writing contest

足球比賽football match

三筆比賽essay contest

冬日環保針織比賽 knitting contest on winter environmental protection

數學系(department of mathematics ):

登山比賽mountain-climbing competition

網路工程師network engineer certification

全國建模比賽 national mathematical modeling contest

知識風采比賽 knowledge competition

ppt 課件製作大賽 courseware design competition

經濟管理系(the department of economics & management):

辯論賽debate competition

創業大賽venture contest

政法系(politics and law department):

黨團知識競賽knowledge contest on the party and the league

政**壇political and legal forum

金秋系列活動series of activities in 「golden season

模擬法庭moot court

演講比賽speech competition

徵文比賽essay competition

電腦科學系(computer science department):

網頁設計大賽web page design competition

辯論賽debate competition

軟體設計大賽software design competition

多**課件設計大賽 ********** courseware design competition

**設計競賽web design competition

電子科學系(electronic science department):

演講比賽speech contest

電子設計大賽electronic design contest

服裝系(textile and fashion department):

服裝創意設計大賽 garment design competition

畢業設計大賽graduation design competition



服裝設計大賽garment design contest

泳衣大賽swimming suit design competition

手提包設計大賽handbag design competition

服裝創意設計大賽    creative garment design competition

生命科學系(department of life science):

實驗技能操作大賽 experiment skill and operation contest


the biochemical experiments contest for college student in guangdong

建築與土木工程系(department of architecture & civil engineering):

建築文化節architectural culture festival

建築設計競賽architectural design competition

鋼筆畫比賽ink drawing contest

節徽設計大賽festival logo design contest

「五佳」歌手活動best five」 singer activities

友誼籃球賽friendship cup basketball match

工程測量比賽engineering survey competition

班際足球賽inter-class football match

省大學生科技競賽 science and technology contest for province college students

十佳學生活動組織 top ten student activities organization

十大學生修身楷模 ten model students of self-cultivation

學生科研創新獎student award for research and innovation

棋王大賽chess competition

電子社飛思杯電腦建築效果圖設計大賽e-society feisi cup architectural renderings computer design contest

化學工程系(department of chemical engineering & technology):

「飛狐杯」八系辯論賽 flying fox cup 8 departments invitational debate competition

女子籃球賽women's basketball match

廣東省高校化學化工實驗技能大賽 chemistry and chemical experiment skills competition for colleges in guangdong

旅遊管理系(touri** and management department):

導遊技能大賽tourist skills contest

導遊路線設計大賽tourist route design competition

黨團知識競賽knowledge contests about the cpc and the cylc

禮儀風采大賽manner and etiquette contest

體育系(department of sports):

體育文化節physical culture festival

**系 (music department)

相聲小品大賽crosstalk and sketch contest

班際籃球賽inter-class basketball match

三、 證書

大學英語四級cet4 (college english test band 4 certificate)

大學英語六級cet6 (college english test band 6 certificate)


英文簡歷有用詞彙彙總 教育程度篇 教育程度有用詞彙a useful glossary for eucation background education 學歷 educational background 教育程度 educational history 學歷 curriculum 課程 major...

英文簡歷必備 教育背景篇

教育背景 educational background 教育背景即正規學校教育 或培訓 a history of a person s formal schooling and or training 包括 學歷 educational history 教育程度 educational backgr...


mature,dynamicandhonest.思想成熟 有活力 為人誠實。英文簡歷自我評價必備句子2 excellentabilityofsystematicalmanagement.有極強的系統管理能力。英文簡歷自我評價必備句子3 abilitytoworkindependently.能夠獨立工...