
2023-01-25 20:57:02 字數 4805 閱讀 3218

track 1


a cup of coffee, please.


l got an "a" in this english exam.



短語 be able to

i will be able to solve the problem soon.


(副)大約 (介)與……有關

(副)i got home at about half past six.我大約六點半回的家。

(介):let's talk about something else.讓我們談談別的事吧。


there afe snowy peaks .上面是白雪皚皚的群峰。


反義詞 be afraid of/to

are you afraid of dogs?你怕狗嗎?


反義詞 before

what do you do after class?你下課後都做什麼?


she usually takes a walk in the afternoon .她下午通常會去散步。


would you plesse say it again ?請再說一遍好嗎?


what is yvur age ?你幾歲了?


that was long time ago .那是很久以前的事了。


短語 agree with

do you agree with paul?你同意保羅的意見嗎?


不可數need some fresh air .我需要一些新鮮空氣。


英 aeroplane

can see a lot of aeroplane in the airport.在機場,我能看到很多飛機。


the airplane landed at a small airport .飛機在一座小型的機場降落。


paul was all attention.保羅全神貫注。


there's almost nothing left.幾乎什麼都沒有剩下。

(介)沿著 (副)一起

(介):he drives a car along the rirrer.他沿著河開車。

(副):we are going far a walk. come along with us.我們要去散步,跟我們一起去吧


i h**e had breakfast already .我已經吃過早餐了。


the foac! is wonderful, and also wary cheap.食物很好吃,而且**也很便宜。


peter always gets up at 7:30.彼得總是在七點半起床。


ante meridiem的縮寫

paul will arrive at 10 .保羅將會在上午十點到達。



he camas from america .他來自美國。

(形)美洲的、美國的 (名)美國人


(形):doyou like american faotball ? 你喜歡美式足球嗎?

(名):my boyfriend is an american .我的男朋友是個美國人。


came in and sit down.進來坐下吧。


the old woman often gets angry about trivial tings . 老太太經常因為瑣碎小事而發火。


human beings are social animals .人類是群居的動物。

(形)另個的 (代)再


(形):he drank another cup of coffee.他又喝了一杯咖啡。

(代):i don't like this ane. please show me another .我不喜歡這個,請給我看另乙個。

(名)答案 (動)回答

(名):this answer is correct. 這個答案是正確的。

(代):i asked her what the matter was, but she didn't answer .我問她發生了什麼事,但她沒有回答。


i dan't h**e any money.我沒有任何錢了。



i don't know anyone at the party.聚會上的人,我乙個也不認識。

(名)重要的人或事 (代)任何事情

(名):he isn't anything.他並不是什麼重要的人物。

(代):i don't know anything.我不知道任何事。


they live in the apartment above ours .他們住在我們樓上的公寓裡。



gradually a smile disappear on his face.他的臉上漸漸露出了笑容。

track 2


an apple a day keeps the doctor away。一天乙個蘋果,醫生遠離我。



we first met on april 10th , 2007.我們第一次見面是在20q7年4月1q日。


the baby fell asleep in her mother's arms .寶寶在媽媽的手臂裡睡著了。


d**id will show you around the office.大衛會帶你到辦公室四處看看。


he arrive in landan last manday.他上週一就到達倫敦了。


he teaches art history.他教藝術史。


the phone rang just as i was le**ing the house.我正要出門時,**就響起來了。


may i ask you a question?我可以問你乙個問題嗎?


he is standing at the door.他正站在門口。


this is aunt ellen.這是艾倫阿姨。


jenny hasn't bean away from home before.珍妮以前沒有離開過家。


she has a fine-month-old baby.她有乙個五個月大的嬰兒口


a camel has a hump an its back.駱駝的背上有個駝峰。



i'm afraid i've got some bad news for you.恐怕我要告訴你一些壞訊息。


she brought some sandwiches in a plasdic bag.她用塑膠袋帶來了幾塊三明治。


she works at a bakery.她在一家麵包店工作。


the two boys are kicking a ball on the grass.兩個男孩正在草地上踢球。


there are two bunches of banana on the table.桌子上放著兩把香蕉。


he plays the drums in a band .他在乙個樂隊裡打鼓。


my salary is paid direvtly into the ank.我的薪水直接存入了我的銀行賬戶。


baseball is very popular in america .在美國棒球很受歡迎。


mary came up tv me, carrying a basket of apples.瑪麗提著一籃子蘋果向我走來。


the boys always play basketball in the after-noon.這些男孩總是在下午打籃球。


can you answer the phone? i'm taking a bath.你接一下申話好嗎?我正在洗澡呢。


she is taking a shower in the bathroom .她正在浴室淋浴。


they are on vacation at the beach .他們正在海濱度假。

(名)熊 (動)忍受

不規則變化bore , bom

(名):children like teddy bear.孩子們喜歡泰迪熊。

(動):i can't bear to see you like this.我不忍見你這樣。

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