
2023-01-24 10:18:04 字數 5059 閱讀 1485


曹順發(重慶交通學院外語系重慶市 400074)

英語詞彙豐富、結構眾多且多變,這是不爭的事實。然而,從學習語言的角度上看,只要我們認真觀察、琢磨並收集、梳理,從中找出規律是不難做到的。譬如說漢語中的「有」作動詞,在具體環境下可細分為「持有、懷有、擁有、占有、具有、富有」等;在英語中,我們最容易想的是「h**e」和「there be/lie(s)/stand(s), etc.



1. many oxford colleges can boast beautiful campuses.牛津大學的許多學院擁有美麗的校園。

2. how does the vegetable bear the odor of fish? 這蔬菜裡怎麼有魚腥味呢?

3. china catches about 200 kinds of marketable fish.中國大約有200種魚上市。

4. he is so successful as a lecturer that he commands a growing audience.作為乙個演講者他非常成功,以至擁有越來越多的聽眾。

5. he may fairly claim a place in literature.他極有資格在文學上占有一席之地。

6. it comprises a population of…它擁有…人口。

7. she conceived a great affection for him.她對他懷有深厚的愛。

8. she is a barren woman and her husband desires the blessing of issue.她不能生育,而她丈夫卻渴望能有子女。

9. the flora of europe embraces about10,000 species. 歐洲約有10,000種植物。

10. the ancient book contains description of china.這本古書上有關於中國的描述。

11. he enjoys the blessing of a happy home.他有乙個幸福的家庭。

12. he still finds admirers in every land.他在各國仍有不少仰慕者。

13. fifteen species of cranes exist throughout the entire world (there exist fifteen…). 全世界有十五種鶴。

14. it gives an oriental touch.它帶有一種東方情調。

15. his company holds funds amounting to... 他的公司擁有數目達…的資金。

16. that community numbers over 300,000 inhabitants. 那個社群有300,000居民。

17. this temple occupies a special position in chinese buddhist architecture. 該寺院在中國佛教建築中占有特殊位置。

18. he owns an interest in a firm.他在一家銀行中擁有股份。

19. his books h**e reached a wide audience.他的書已擁有大量讀者。

20. most of the singers shared similar memories.多數歌唱家都有類似的記憶。

21. the rose possesses an agreeable perfume.玫瑰有宜人的芳香。

22. the college campus includes three hundred acres.這個學院的校園占有300英畝土地。

23. he sometimes suffers the qualms of conscience.他良心時有內疚。


24. he has the best claim to the honour.他最有資格獲得這一榮譽。

25. he is something of an athlete.他有幾分運動員的才能。

26. he has a smack of obstinacy in his character他性格有點固執。

27. jiuhua in anhui province is home to many ancient buddhist temples.安徽的九華山有許多佛教寺院。

28. there is a possibility of his coming for xmas. 他有可能來過聖誕節。


29. oxygen is present in the air.空氣中有氧氣。

30. the library is rich in historical works.這個圖書館擁有大量的歷史書籍。

31. we can rely on him for a way out. he is resourceful/full of resources.我們可以靠他找到出路。



32. he has lots of cash on him (his person).他(身上)帶有許多現金。

33. any money about you (your person)? 你身上有錢嗎?

34. he has nothing to his name.他一無所有。

35. we only accept those with college diplomas.我們只接受有大學文憑的人。

36. she married well and is now in the chips/in funds/in the bucks.她嫁了個好人家,現在很有錢。


37. italian literature abounds with good stories.義大利文學有許多優美的故事。

38. this sentence admits of several interpretations.這個句子可有多種解釋。

39. the room reeked of tobacco just now.房間剛才瀰漫著菸草的臭味。

40. it relishes of pork.那東西有豬肉的味道。

41. the middle school my daughter is at boasts of a beautiful campus.我女兒就讀的中學擁有乙個美麗的校園。

42. his story smacks of exaggeration.他的故事有點誇張。

43. he partakes equally of the poet and of the philosopher.他兼有詩人和哲學家的特點。

44. his words participate of the nature of satire.他的話帶有諷刺的性質。

45. any food that s**ors of onions is abominable to him.他對任何有洋蔥味的食物都感到厭惡。

46. his breath smells strong of wine.他有一大股酒氣。don』t smell of (the) shop too much in your speech.


47. his breath stinks of onion.他的呼吸有股洋蔥味。

48. he stinks with money. 他有數不清的錢。

49. he stinks of money. 他有數不清的錢。

50. the disease took on an epidemic character.那疾病帶有流行特徵。

51. it tastes of lemon. 這東西帶有檸檬味。

52. the delta teems with rice, sugarcane, various flowers,… 三角洲上到處都有稻子、甘蔗、各種花卉…。

53. the book abounds in printing mistakes.這本書裡有許多印刷錯誤。

54. fish teem in this river.這條河裡有許多魚。


55. the two events are historically conjoined.那兩個事件有歷史上的聯絡。

56. these two words are etymologically connected.這兩個詞有詞源上的聯絡。


57. our country is blessed with natural resources.我國擁有豐富的自然資源。

58. that』s so typical of the victorian age.那特別具有維多利亞時代的特色。

59. windy days are characteristic of march.三月份的特點就是有風。

60. he was endowed with the spirit of self-sacrifice.他富有自我犧牲精神。

61. …but china has been gifted with nine varieties. …然而中國就占有九種。

62. he is possessed of many good qualities.他具有很多優良的品質。

63. he was seized of some property.他占有一些財產。

64. everything he says is tinctured with conceit.他所說的每句話都帶有自負的味道。


65. he is so poor (that) he doesn』t h**e one good suit of clothes to call his own.他窮得連一套好衣服都沒有。(不定式修飾suit)


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