英語短文 星球大戰重返銀幕

2023-01-21 16:09:02 字數 1716 閱讀 8252

英語短文:星球大戰重返銀幕 3

[10] central to the movie is an exciting race using the super-fast "pod racers", in a sequence reminiscent of the great chariot race in the classic movie ben hur.

[11] george lucas spent a large chunk of his $ 200 million budget on nearly 2,000 computerised digital special effects shots-- by far the most seen in any film, and four times the number used to sink the "titanic". the spectacular effects also include three totally different worlds generated by the wizardry of computers; 145 new and assorted creatures of various hideous and humorous aspects; 1, 200 new costumes and 654 standing sets.

[12] there are enough battles, races, high-speed chases, noise (john williams is the composer along for the ride with the music, as he was for the star wars trilogy) to please the hardiest fan of space drama. yet, despite all the computer trickery, that old "star wars" magic centres on the trilogy's familiar struggle between the forces of good and evil.

[13] but mostly george lucas intends his movie star wars: episode 1---- the phantom menace to appeal, as star wars did, to a "generation growing up without fairytales". little did he guess when he began his original trilogy in 1977, that 22 years later, the story would still be unfolding.





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一 乙個星期七天 1.monday 2.tuesday 3.wednesday4.thursday 5.friday 6.saturday 7.sunday 二 一年十二個月 1.january 2.february 3.march 4.april 5.may 6.june 7.july 8.aug...


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