
2023-01-16 12:27:06 字數 3713 閱讀 5317

文通中學i部初三英語期中複習背誦材料unit 6-1

i. 清單詞

**家musician 獎牌,獎章medal 獎項award 頒發,提交present 喜劇comedy

獲勝者 n. winner (v. win, won, won, winning) 控制v. control (controlled, controlling)

結束的done 訪談節目chat show 真實生活的real-life 對話dialogue 紀錄片documentary

ⅱ. 清短語 1.無所事事h**e nothing to do 2.如此小的乙隻羊such a little sheep

3.如此少的時間so little time4.沉浸在色彩世界enjoy oneself in the world of colours

5.感覺有點困feel a little sleepy/a bit sleepy 6.需要小睡一下need a little sleep=need a bit of sleep

7.一場學生藝術展a students』 art show 8.對畫畫很有天賦 h**e a real gift for painting

9.讓某人做某事h**e/make/let sb. do sth. 10.給某人頒發某物present sb with sth/present sth to sb

11.鼓勵某人做某事encourage sb. to do sth. 12.有持久的價值 h**e a lasting value

13.匆忙進了劇院hurry into the theatre 14.在演奏時創作**make up music while playing

15.在歌舞秀at the song and dance show 16.有濃郁的地方特色 h**e strong local colour

17.高度評價speak/think highly of 18..最初由美國黑人創作be first created by african americans

19.車輛太多too much traffic 20.把一些顏料滴在紙上 drop some paint onto the *****

21.四面八方地跑run in all directions 22.因設計而讚揚我 praise me for the designs

23.對...開放be open to... 24.對於我的身高體重滿意be pleased with my weight and height

25.編個對話make up a dialogue 26.了解很多關於真實生活的事件learn a lot about real-life events

27.使某事被做h**e 28.出席今晚的古典****會attend tonight』s classical music concert

iii.清句型1.沒有太多對白在裡面。there』s not much dialogue in it.

2.在2023年北京奧運會上每次給獲勝者頒發獎牌時,頒獎**就會想起。each time a medal was presented to a winner at the beijing 2008 olympic games, the award music was played.


as a composer, perhaps he is best known for winning an oscar for his music in the film.


in the past few years, tan dun has helped build a bridge between the east and the west.


there are always famous people on these shows talking about their lives.

6.魚肉不再新鮮了.難聞,一定是變質了the fish was no longer fresh. it smelt bad. it must go rotten.


unless your homework is done,you won』t be allowed to play with toys.


aren』t you getting bored with staying at home all day? no,i』m not.


if you』re as hard-working as i am, you won』t get low marks.

10.由於那時沒有樂器他就用石頭和紙之類的普通物品創作**。since he had no musical instruments then, he made music with common objects like stones and *****.

11.你喜歡什麼型別的電視節目? 我更喜歡競賽節目。

我希望有一天我能參加其中之一並且贏大獎。what type of tv programmes do you like? i prefer game shows.

i hope one day i can take part in one of them, and win a big prize.

文通中學i部初三英語期中複習背誦材料unit 6-1


獲勝者 n._______(v. win控制v. control


ⅱ. 清短語 1.無所事事2.如此小的乙隻羊


5.感覺有點困feel6.需要小睡一下need _______sleep=need_________sleep

7.一場學生藝術展art show 8.對畫畫很有天賦

9.讓某人做某事h**e/make/let sb.____sth 10.給某人頒發某物present sb _____sth/present sth____sb

11.鼓勵某人做某事sth. 12.有持久的價值

13.匆忙進了劇院the theatre 14.在演奏時創作**








iii.清句型1.沒有太多對白在裡面in it.

2.在2023年北京奧運會上每次給獲勝者頒發獎牌時,頒獎**就會想起。each timeat the beijing 2008 olympic gameswas played.


perhaps hean oscar for his music in the film.


tan dunbetween the east and the west.


複習目標 1.牢固識記本單元基礎知識 現代文字詞音形義 重點作者 2.學會整體把握文章的內容,領會作者的寫作意圖。3.回顧課文中重點的寫作技巧,學習寫作方法。4.重點掌握並熟讀背誦 狼 中的文言常識。打牢基礎 一 基礎字詞。1 給下列加點字注音或根據拼音寫漢字 補全成語 ch ng 能恍h甜nxi ...


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姓名 學號 26 1 選擇合適的詞語填空。1 千奇百怪千姿百態 家鄉的橋大多是石橋,造型卻 外婆講的故事都與橋有關。2 擷取錄取 如意橋的名稱,是從唐朝詩人王維的詩句 流水如有意,暮禽相與還 中 來的。經過體能測試 篩選,市足球隊 了10名新隊員。2 劃出課文中帶有省略號的句子,想一想,句子中的省略...