
2023-01-16 07:09:07 字數 3982 閱讀 9497


1、找出畫線部分發音與所給音標一致的單詞。 2%

( ) 1. /ai/ a. happy b. any c. worry d. try

2. /au/ a. young b. house.

( ) 3. /h/ b. who d. when

4. /e/ a. seat b. see c. very d. evening

二、按要求寫出單詞的相應形式。 3%


(同音詞) _______現在分詞反義詞


the first day of a week.

2. usually people write with rhands.

mother』s sis my aunt.

grandma is cooking in the k

is on dec.25th.


1. are the sweaters yours? __yes

a. it』s hers b. they』re theirs c. it』s ours. d. they』re ours .

( ) skirt do you likethe red one or the blue one?

a. well b. good c. better d. best

( ) 3. my birthday is ______the 2nd of june .nancy』s birthday is _____june ,too.

a. on,on b. in, on c. on, in d. in,in

( ) 4. here is your coat. please ____ .

a. put on it b. wear it  c. put it on  d. put away it

( ) is from ____ , she is canadian.

a. toronto b. paris    c. london   d. new york


( )1、「walls h**e ears」的意思是:

a、牆上有洞 b、隔牆有耳 c、震耳欲聾

( )2. don』t let the cat out of the bag.(請選出劃線部分的正確意思)

a.不要洩露秘密 b.不要讓貓逃跑了 c.不要讓貓出來

( )3、what』s the english for「禁止停車」?

smoking parking not pass

( )4、when someone asks you to give him a hand, he wants you to ________

a. shake hands b. hold his hand c. help him d. hit him

5、i look like a bear but i』m not a am smaller than a look like a cat but i』m not a am bigger that a like eating bamboo and i live in the am i

6.135146 is the code (密碼) for word season. what』s the code of word nose

六、用所給詞的正確形式填空 。2.5%

1. which season do you likegood)? autumn.

they putthey) books here?

hair is aslong) as lucy』s.

4. let』s help that old mancarry )the he**y bag.

not) any birds in the tree.

七 、按要求改寫句子。7 %

1. 如何用英語問同學:「你家裡有多少人?」

2. the apples are twenty yuan.(寫出問句)

3. she did her homework last night.(用now來改寫句子)

4. whose book is that ? (寫出同義句)



thelights are the same in every


there any mutton in the


a crow wanted to drink some water but can't find any. he looks here and there. then he cries out, "i can see a jar and there is some water in it.

" he tries but fails to get the water. "how can i?" he thinks it over.

" i can put my beak quite close to it. but still cannot drink the water. what can i do?

i want to drink."

he looks here and there, and then he knows what to do. he picks up a small stone with his beak and drops it into the jar. "soon the water will be high and i can drink it," says the crow.

guess what? the water in the jar turns to be high enough to drink. the clever crow drinks the water finally.

1. what is the crow looking for

a. a jar b. some water c. some food

2. why can't he drink the water right now? because

a. the water is in the jar. b. he doesn't want to drink it.

c. the water isn't high enough for him to drink.

3. why does he pick up stones? because

a. he wants to put them into the water.

b. he's playing a game. c. he is very hungry.

4. what's the english meaning for "drop

a. put ...into... b. put...to... c. carry...to...

5. which title (題目) do you think is the best one

a. a thirsty crow b. a clever crow

c. a crow and a jar of water

九、 閱讀短文,根據短文內容補全單詞(首字母已給出)5%

an old woman is going shopping with a basket. she is going by boat. the boat is going across(穿過) the river.

her basket is e__1____ now. oh dear! look!

her basket is in the w__2_____. "help! my basket is in the river."

2023年重點中學小公升初模擬題 七

考試時間 80分鐘,滿分120分 學號 姓名 一 填空。共48分 1 乙個乘數是1,積比另乙個乘數多14,被乘數是 2 甲數是a,比乙數的多b,表示乙數的式子是 3 乙個四位小數,精確到百分位的近似數是6.70,這個四位小數最大是 4 一批書本有300多本,按22本一包裝剩21本,按18本一包缺一本...

北京版 2023年小公升初考試重點中學入學試題 二

一 計算題 答案 2.77 13 255 999 510 答案 256256 答案 二 填空題 的整數部分是 答案 44 2.1995的約數共有 答案 16個 1995 3 5 7 19,所以約數共有 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 3.等式 學學 好好 數學 1994 表示兩個兩位數的乘積,...


小學文化基礎知識測試英語模擬試題a卷 考試時間30分鐘,捲麵總分40分 一 聽力部分 每小題1 分,共5小題,計5分 a.聽句子下面你將聽到三個句子,請同學們選出與所聽錄音內容相符的 將其序號填入題前括號內。每個句子讀兩遍。b.聽對話下面你將聽到三段對話,請同學們選出與所聽錄音內容一致的選項,將其序...