證書翻譯 翻譯課練習

2023-01-10 08:36:04 字數 2667 閱讀 9807

exercise 4


1. the ships on the qinhuai are better than those in beijing』s myriad-creature garden and summer palace and hangzhou』s west lake, better than those on yangzhou』s shouxi lake. the vessels in those places are either clumsy or crude and cramped, less inviting than those on the qinhuai, which fall roughly into two categories, big boats and small ones, the latter also known as 「seven-plankers」.


translate the following passages into english.

1. 榮譽證書certificate of honor




certificate of honor

this is to certify that mingming has obtained excellent performance in the 2004 college students' summer social award you an enthusiast member of jiangsu university summer social practice 2004.

date: oct..2014 signature: school of foreign language jiangsu university

2. 獎學金證書certificate of scholarship




certificate of scholarship

in the academic year of 2012-2013, mingming won the third class of scholarship for outstanding college certificate of commendation is hereby to awarded to him as an encouragement.

date: nov.2013signature: anhui polytechnic university

3. 學士學位證書(普通高等教育本科畢業生)certificate of the bachelor』s degree(undergraduateofregularhighereducation)

學生李明明,男,1972 年10月出生。自一九九一年九月至一九九五年七月在安徽大學外語系英語專業完成了四年制本科學習計畫,業已畢業。經審核符合《中華人人民共和國學位條例》的規定,授予文學學士學位。




certificate of the bachelor』s degree(undergraduate of regular higher education)

this is to certify that mr. li mingming, born in october 1972, has studied in the foreign department, anhui university with a specialty o english from september 1991 to july 1995. upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraduate program,she is granted graduation.

in accordance with the academic degree act of the people』s republic of china, the aforesaid student is awarded the bachelor』s degree in english

du yijin

president of

degree appraising committee of

anhui university

date: jul.10.1995

4. 存包處使用說明——聯華超市


1、請桉「存」鍵。please press the deposit key.

2、取密碼紙,自動開箱。take the password *****. door opens automatically.

3、存入物品,關好箱門。deposit your articles and close the door.


1、密碼紙靠近密碼口。keep the password ***** close to the scan area.

2、取物後,請關好箱please close the door after withdrawal.


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