牛津英語四年級4A Unit10教案

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1. 綜合複習所學過的詞彙,學生能正確地聽、說、讀、寫。

unit 1 : a pen , a ball pen , a pencil , a book ;

unit 2 : a dog , a cat , a tiger , a lion ;

unit 3: a key , a purse , a fan , a tape ;

unit 4 : a car , a bike , a bus , a kite ;

unit 6: a pair of shoes , a sweater , a jacket , big , small , long , short ;

unit 7 : one , two , three , four , five , six ,seven , eight , nine , ten

unit 8 : eat , drink , read , write , open , close ;

unit 9 : tired , ill , hot , cold , hungry , thirsty ;

2. 綜合複習所學過的句型,學生能正確地聽、說、讀、寫。

unit 1 : may i h**e … ?

this … is for … .

unit 2 : what』s this/ that ? it』s a … .

this is /that』s my /your / his / her …, i think . yes, it is .no, it isn』t.

unit 3: is this /that my / your / his /her …? yes , it is. no, it isn』t .

where』s my / your / his / her … ? perhaps it』s in / on …

unit 4 : what』s this / that in english ? it』s a …

do you like …? yes , i do . / no , i don』t .

unit 6: whose … is this / are they ? it』s /they』re …

the … is /are too …

unit 7 : what』s the time , please ? it』s …

unit 8 : … , please . don』t …祈使句

unit 9 : what』s the matter ? i』m ….

3. 能綜合運用所學的日常交際用語

unit 1 : may i come in? come in ,please .

yes./ sure .

here you are .

thank you . all right .

good morning . goodbye . here』s … for …

happy teachers』 day !

unit 2 : how lovely/nice !

i see.

can i h**e a look ?

i』d like … , please .

hello. / hi .

in which … ? guess .

unit 3: come here .

let me see .

not at all .

excuse me , … ?

i』m sorry .

sorry , i don』t know.

where』s … ? perhaps he』s /she』s in …

where are you ? i』m …

unit 4 : i like/ love …

me , too

thank you very much .

look at …

it』s nice .

let』s …

unit 6: try this one / this pair on .

don』t worry ..

oh, dear !

unit 7 : it』s late .

what time do you …? i … at … / at …

see you . / bye .

shall we … ?

unit 8 : that』s all right .

don』t be late again .

unit 9 : come and h**e ..

good evening / night .

you look …

why don』t you … ?

what a nice … !




3. 能綜合運用所學的日常交際用語




3. 能綜合運用所學的日常交際用語


錄音機(帶)、cards 、 power point 。

課時安排: 共四課時。





the first period: 複習四會單詞和句型

備課時間:2005-10 主備教師: 吳海燕

teaching contents:

1.vocabulary :

unit 1 : a pen , a ball pen , a pencil , a book ;

unit 2 : a dog , a cat , a tiger , a lion ;

unit 3: a key , a purse , a fan , a tape ;

unit 4 : a car , a bike , a bus , a kite ;

unit 6: a pair of shoes , a sweater , a jacket , big , small , long , short ;

unit 7 : one , two , three , four , five , six ,seven , eight , nine , ten

unit 8 : eat , drink , read , write , open , close ;

unit 9 : tired , ill , hot , cold , hungry , thirsty ;

2. pattern :

unit 1 : may i h**e … ?

this … is for … .

unit 2 : what』s this/ that ? it』s a … .

this is /that』s my /your / his / her …, i think . yes, it is .no, it isn』t.

unit 3: is this /that my / your / his /her …? yes , it is. no, it isn』t .

where』s my / your / his / her … ? perhaps it』s in / on …

unit 4 : what』s this / that in english ? it』s a …

do you like …? yes , i do . / no , i don』t .

unit 6: whose … is this / are they ? it』s /they』re …

the … is /are too …

unit 7 : what』s the time , please ? it』s …

unit 8 : … , please . don』t …祈使句

unit 9 : what』s the matter ? i』m ….

teaching aims :


2.通過free talk 來幫學生複習要求會寫的句型

encourage the ss to talk in english .

teaching aids :

cassette ,recorder ,cards ,

teaching procedures:

step 1: warm-up

1. greetings:

t: ok. now , boys and girls .let』s begin our class .

s: stand up.

t: good morning , boys and girls .

s: good morning , miss wu .

t: how are you today ?

s: fine , thank you . and you ?

t: not bad. thank you! nice to meet you ,boys and girls .

s: nice to meet you ,too .

t: ok . sit down , please .

s: thank you .

step2 presentation and practice .


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