
2022-12-25 06:48:03 字數 2963 閱讀 7583




一、按英文本母順序默寫gg — zz (10分)


( )1a、winter b、cool c、spring d、summer

( )2a、cool b、cold c、warm d、walk

( )3a、skateb、swim c、climbd、season

( )4a、firstb、twoc、secondd、third

( )5a、may b、julyc、sunday d、june


( ) 1.spring a.春天 b.季節 c.夏天

( ) 2.morning a.下午 b.中午 c.上午

( ) 3.may a.五月 b.三月 c.六月

( ) 4.write a lettera.寫報告 b.寫信 c.寫電子郵件

( ) 5.swim a.游泳 b.盪鞦韆 c.跑步

( ) 6.usually a.通常b.一般c.經常

( ) 7.evening a.晚上b.早上 c.中午

( ) 8.h**e a picnica.數昆蟲b.舉行野餐c.做實驗

( ) 9.drink water a.打架b.講話 c.喝水

( ) 10.twelfth a.十二 b.第十二c.第二十


( )1. my parents usually get up6:40.

a. on b. in c. at

( )2. ----what's the date today

a. it's tuesday. b. it's coolc. it's april 1st.

( )3. ----is amy answering the phone

a. yes, he does. b. no, she is writing a no, he isn't.

( )4.there is a call ____ you.

a. for b. on c. at

( )5they are listening to music.

a. what do they do? b. what are you doing?

c. what are your grandparents doing?

( ) 6.this isduck.

a. my b. an c. you

( ) 7.he』san e-mail.

a. writing b. write c. written

( ) 8they playing sports?

a. are b. is c. am

( ) 9.winterzoom and zip don』t skate. they sleep.

a. coming b. come c. comes

( ) 10. i』m ****** a birthday cake fo***mily.

a. we b. us c. our


( ) 1.what do you do on the weekend?a. no, i'm going hiking.

( ) 2.when is children's day?b. i'm doing homework.

( ) 3.which season do you like best?c. june 1st.

( ) 4.are you climbing the mountain?d.winter. i can play with snow.

( ) 5.what are you doing?e. i often do homework and go hiking.


1. do up you when get?

2. which you do best like season?

3.i am book a reading.

4. about how you?

5. mike name is my.


( )1.john接到**介紹他自己時,用英語應該怎麼說:

a.i』m john. b.this is john.

( )2.你想問別人的生日是什麼時候,用英語應該怎麼說:

a.when is your bithday? b.happy birthday to you!

( )3.當你早晨碰到別人時,用英語應該怎麼說:

a.good morning. b.good afternoon.

( )4.當你想問別人是幾號時,用英語應該怎麼說:

a.what day is it today? b.what』s the date?

( )5.當你想知道別人正在做什麼時,用英語應該怎麼說:

a.what are you doing? b.what do you like?

( )6.當你告訴別人你喜歡冬天時,用英語應該怎麼說:

a.i like spring. b.i like winter.

( )7.當別人打**給你家人時,你讓別人不要掛**,用英語應該怎麼說:

a.please hold on. b.thank you.

( )8.你告訴別人你通常8:30晨練,用英語應該怎麼說:

a.i do morning exercises at 8:30. b.i get up at 8:30.

( )9.你想告訴別人你喜歡紅色,用英語應該怎麼說:

a.i like red. b.me too.

( )10.當老師問你mike在做什麼時,你是這樣告訴老師的:

a. i am playing chess. b.he is playing chess.


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