桂林市中考滿分作文 吳繼敏教學設計

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unit 3 why do you like koalas?

一、teaching aims (教學目標)

1、knowledgegoal (知識目標)

new word.

target languages:---why do you like koalas ?----because they』re…..

----why do you want to see…?----because…?

2、ability goal (能力目標)

listening and speaking competence.3、moral goal (情感目標)

we should love animals.

二、teaching important points(教學重點)

new words:the name of animals,

三、teaching difficult points(教學難點)

target languages:the drills of expressing preferences and givingreasons.

四、teaching methods (教學方法)


method. ..

五、teaching tools(教學工具)

a tape recorder ,photos of animals ,ppt shows.

六、learning steps (教學步驟)

step 1 organization

greet the class .now, i'll divide you into six groups. you aregroup1,2...

try your best to study you do,you'll get a beautifulpicture. at last, the winner group will get a great on!


step 2 waring up .

playing the song ofcookies jar?>in ppt to waring up the class. teacher and the classsinganddance!


----guidingout the title of this unit:unit 3 why do you like koalas?


step 3showing the learning aims.

[設計思路]教師精心設計的學習目標,目的是使學生更加明確這堂課要學習的內容,學完後要達到什麼目標,做到心中有數,有的放矢!step 4 new words

1、present the new words .

t:as we know ,there are many animals in the world ,do youlike animals ? now let's go to the zoo.

welcome to the zoo! whatanimals are in the zoo? i』ll show you some photos of animals ,canyou tell me their names ?

work in groups and find them in the onlinetranslation.

(after that,show the photos of animals ,let the students say thename of the animals .)

(teach「tiger、elephant、koalas、dolphins、lions、penguinsand giraffe」in the same way .)


2、practice the new 1:play a memory 2:who is the best ?

t:nowpleaselookatthepictureinyoucomputer,matchthewords with the animals.

(give students about two minutes to finish them.)

t:ok, let』s check the answer .who can tell us the answer?

[設計思路]以遊戲的形式來練習所學內容,既鞏固了所學,又提高了學生學習英語的積極性!step 4 new drills.

1、guiding and learning the description words.

t:i often go to the zoo because there are many animals in it, i like tosee the you know why ?

s:…t:i like to see the dolphins because they are cute .

「cute」means「可愛的、漂亮的」.read after me .cute,c-u-t-e,cute.


(teach and practice「smart /interesting、fun」in the same way.)[設計思路]創設情境,循序漸進的匯入新學內容,便於讓學生很自然地很容易地接受新知識,理解新知識,運用新知識。2、practice the drills.

t:who can make the conversation?s1 and s2:…

t:now , let』s work in pairs .please make conversation for yourown, use the words in the box .

( ss work in pairs ,as the students work,the teacher walks aroundthe classroom offering the language support .)

t:which pair can act out your conversation?

s a、s b:…


step 5 listening skills .1、do 2a.

(play the recording for the first time ,students only listen. play itagain, this time the student write the name of the animals.)

t:now let』s check the answer ,tell us what animals you hear andsay them in english,ok?

s:…t:thankyou .you』lllistentothesamerecordingagain, words together .

(.)t:please tell us the answer .s:…



2、do 2b.

t:juliaandhenryaremybestfriends,theyareinthezoonow .theyliketoseeanimals,whatanimalsdotheylike?


(point to the words in the box .)

t:listen again and complete the conversation with the words inthe box. some words may be used more than once.

(play the recording for the students to finish the conversation.)[設計思路]創設情境,循序漸進的匯入聽力內容,便於讓學生很自然地很容易地接受新知識,理解新知識,運用新知識。step 6 summary

t:thisclassweh**elearnedthenameofanimals,andusetheadjectives to describe the animals.

( show the grammar focus in ppt. )

[設計思路]教會學生把本節課所學內容歸納總結,即與本節課的學習目標首尾呼應,又教會學生把所學知識穿成串,連成面的學習方法!step 7 consolidation.( show some exercises, let the students do it inthe computer,and check the answers quickly.


三不講的教學理念!step 8 homework


blackboard design (板書設計)

1、new words:

koala tiger elephant dolphin panda lion penguin giraffe .2、target languages

---- why do you like koalas ?---- because they』re cute.

---- why do you want to see the…?---- because…












unit 3 why do you like koalas?


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