
2022-11-23 15:54:07 字數 5135 閱讀 6323


1將要做will do

2將不做won』t do

3一切重要的事everything important

4一切讀物 everything to read

5一張紙 a piece of *****

6試卷 an exam *****

7一張晨報 a morning *****

8一張晚報 an evening *****

9乙份** a term *****

10更少的蘋果 fewer apples

11更少的水less water

12更少的樹 fewer trees

13更少的汙染less pollution

14一名太空飛行員 an astronaut

15地面空間 floor space

16在太空in space

17太空站space station

18飛往。。。1/fly to

2/take a place to

3/go to …by air/plane

19月亮 the moon

20太陽 the sun

21地球the earth

22從。。。摔下,掉下 fall off

23落下fall down

24落入fall into

25愛上。。。fall in love with

26獨自乙個 be alone

27感覺寂寞 feel/be lonely

28獨自做某事 do sth. alone

29獨自購物 go shopping alone

30去滑冰 go skating

31能夠做某事1/be able to do

2/succeed in doing

32同意。。。agree with

33在末來in the future

34活到200歲live to be 200 years old

35 十年以後 in ten years

36多久以後 how soon



1/free time

2/spare time

2有空1/ be free

2/be not busy

3/ h**e time

3沒空1/ be busy

2/be not free

3/h**e no time/ don』t h**e time

4一件免費的裙子 a free dress

5在高中 in senior high school

6在學院in college

7已婚 be married

8打扮dress up

9穿著打究的 well- dressed

10穿著。。。1/ be dressed in

2/be in


11穿著隨意dress casually

12更高 even taller

13世界盃 the world cup

14採訪某人 interview sb.

15(夢想)實現 come true

16聽起來很好/無聊/有趣 sound good/boring/interesting

17一家電腦公司 a computer company

18住在公寓 live in an apartment

19獨自居住/生活 live alone

20很多不同的寵物 many different pets

21養乙隻寵物1/ keep a pet

2/ feed a pet

3/ raise a pet

22穿套裝wear a suit


短語1**未來 predict the future

2.。。的頭,領導 the head of

3一家最大的電影公司 one of the biggest movies companies

4美國 the united states

5想要做某事1/ want to do 2/ would like to do

6看到某人做某事的過程 see sb. do

7看到某人正做某事 see sb . doing

8當然1/ of course

2/ sure

3/ certainly

9大多數人1/ most of the people

2/ most people

10被某人使用 be used by

11科幻電影 science fiction movies

12在未來 in the future

13今後 in future

14我自己的車 my own car

15他們自己機械人 their own robots

16像人類 be like humans

17在某方面幫助 help with

18這樣的機械人 such robots

19做某事花費某人多長時間it takes sb. time to do

20看起來像 look like

21使某人做 make sb. do

22與。。。相同 the same as

23這種機械人 such robots

24上百年 hundreds of years

25二百年 two hundred years

26設法做 try to do


短語1這樣的乙個男孩 such a boy

2如此漂亮/有趣 so beautiful / interesting


1/such an interesting book

2/so interesting a book


1/such a beautiful girl

2/ so beautiful a girl

5如此新鮮的水 such fresh water

6如此聰明的孩子們 such clever children

7如此多的人 so many people

8如此多的作業 so much homework

9如此少的樹 so few trees

10如此少的水 so little water

11某事很厭煩 sth. be boring


1/ sth. be bored

2/sth. get bored

13各地,到處1/ everywhere

2/ here and there

14一塊巨石 a huge stone

15一場**之後 after an earthquake

16一台電爐子 an electric cooker

17一把電動牙刷 an electric toothbrush

18似乎肯定 seem sure

19似乎做某事 seem to do

20似乎不可能 seem impossible

21做家務1/ do the housework 2/ do chores

22例如 for example

23醒來 wake up

24喚醒某人wake up sb.

25將能夠做 will be able to do

26將不能做won』t be able to do

27有某人在做某事 there be sb. doing

28看起來更像 look more like

29簡單的工作 ****** jobs

30一遍又一遍地,反覆地 over and over again

31幫助做某事1/ help do sth.

2/ help with sth.


短語1和。。。一樣。。。 the same as

2使某人做 make sb. do

3做某事花費某人多長時間 it takes sb. some time to do

4幫助做某事1/ help do sth. 2/ help with sb.

5不讓。。。進入 keep out

6打籃球 play basketball

7彈吉它play the guitar

8演奏爵士樂 play jazz

9**唱片/光碟 play the cds

10與某人爭吵 argue with sb.

11因某事而爭吵 argue about/over sth.

12做錯了do wrong

13最新的款式 the latest style

14過時的 out of style

15給某人打**1/ call sb. up

2/ ring sb. up

3/ telephone sb.

4/ phone sb.

16一張。。。的票 a ticket to

17一張往返的車票 a return ticket

18一張單程車票 a one-way ticket

19使某人吃驚的是 to one』s surprise

20感到吃驚1/ be surprised

2/ get surprised

3/ feel surprised

4/ get a surprise

21乙個驚人的故事 a surprising story

22找出,查明,發覺 find out

23其他的每個人 everyone else

24被邀請 be invited

25除了。。。外1/ except

2/ except for

3/ apart from

26要做什麼 what to do

27要去哪 where to go


短語1用** on the phone

2為…付賬1/ pay for

2/ spend on /doing

3某物花費某人多少錢sth. cost sb. money

4兼職工作 a part-time job

5要麼…要麼 either …or

6兩者中任意乙個 either of


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