
2022-11-22 04:36:04 字數 3752 閱讀 2349


一、聽句子,從a、b、c、d四個選項中選出所包含的資訊,並將字母標號填寫在題前括號內. ( 10 分 )

( )1、a short b stronger c he**ier d smaller

( )2、a h**e a fever b h**e a cold c h**e a sore throat d h**e a headache

( )3、a tired b excited c angry d happy

( )4、a watch b wash c visit d clean

( )5、a fail b match c matter d seal

二、下面你將聽到5個問句,請從打亂順序的答句當中,將能回答每個問句的答句字母標號添入題前括號內. ( 10 分 )

( )1、 a. i』 m 164cm tall.

( )2、 b. i feel tired.

( )3、 c. i』m 45kg.

( )4、 d. i like the yellow one.

( )5、 e. my nose hurts.

三、 聽短文判斷句子正誤,與錄音內容一致的在括號內寫「t」,不一致得寫「f」。( 10 分 )

( ) 1、jack was going shopping with her mother on saturday.

( ) 2、jack didn』t go out on saturday.

( ) 3、at john』s home , they read books together.

( ) 4、jack and john played football together.

( ) 5、jack』s mother was angry because(因為)he forgot to lock the door .



一)、根據漢語意思寫單詞或片語。( 5 分 )

1、發燒 2、悲傷的 3、更重的 4、更強壯的 5、興奮的


( )、1. a tired b excited c angry d hurt

( )、2. a watched b washed c cleaned d visit

( )、3. a bigger b younger c shorter d he**y

( )、4. a think b feel c kick d medicine

( )、5、a hurt b h**e a cold c h**e a fever d bored

二、單項選擇 ( 10 分)

( ) 1、______ monkey do you like ? i like the yellow one.

a which b what c what』s d where

( ) 2、______ tall is your mother ? she is 164cm tall.

a how b what c how many d when

( ) 3、how _____ are you ? i』m 65kg.

a tall b big c he**y d long

( ) 4、i failed my math test

a oh,sorry b i』m sorry to hear that c don』t worry

( ) 5、yousad today .

a look b watch c see d look at

( ) 6、______ the matter ? i h**e a fever .

a what』s b what』re c what d how』s

( ) 7、you are 164cm , i』m 160cm , you are 4cm _____ than me.

a big b bigger c tall d taller

( ) 8、i went to a parkbike .

a on b by c in d table

( ) 9、he jumped into the lake andto it .

a swim b swims c swimed d swam

( ) 10、what did you doweekend ?

a last b next c on d at

三、選擇正確答案 ( 10 分 )

( ) 1、 do you h**e a fevera she is sad .

( ) 2、 how are youb yes , i h**e .

( ) 3、 what』s the matterc i』m fine , thanks .

( ) 4、 how does amy feeld yes , she is tired.

( ) 5、 is she tired nowe i h**e a headache.

四、 題中5個句子分別描述了一幅圖畫,請將**的字母標號填寫在相應句子前面的括號內。( 10 分 )

a b c d e

( ) 1、 i am sad2、 i』m taller than you .

( ) 3、 i h**e a headache4、playing the football .

( ) 5、 wash clothes .

五、 看圖完成對話 ( 10 分 )

1、 a : how does zhang peng feel ?

b : he

2、 a : howare you ?

b : i』m 50kg .

3、 john』s team fails at last .

john feels

4、 john is going to play football with

his friend . he is

5、 what did you do last saturday ?

i  六、排序 ( 10 分 )

( ) i like the yellow one .

( ) which monkey do you like .

( ) what about you ?

( ) i like the brown one.

( ) i don』t like the yellow one .


滿分120分時間120分鐘 一 聽力 共30分 i.情景反應根據你所聽到的句子,選擇恰當的應答語。5分 1.a.for about one year.b.about one year ago.c.in ten days.2.a.one month.b.once a month.c.one month...


今年是我第三年擔任六年級畢業班的班主任。在擔任這項工作的過程中,我越來越發現,現在的孩子見多識廣,對社會,家庭,環境的了解更深,要想當好這個班主任還真是不容易。本班孩子各有不同的特點,有的文靜,有的活潑,有的見解獨到,有的知識豐富,有的樂於助人,有的心胸寬廣,有的調皮搗蛋,有的關心他人 為了當好班主...


2012 2013學年度第二學期開賢小學 班主任 何山川 2013 3 28 本月我班根據學校德育工作計畫,針對我班學生道德實踐中存在的問題,根據青少年的認知能力和行為特點,注重採取教育和實踐相結合的方式,以規範學生基本言行,培養良好的行為習慣重點,圍繞德育活動主題目標開展了針對性的教育活動。總結如...