蘇教版六年級英語 上 6A總結期末複習考點精練

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6年級上冊 unit 8

a卷: 課堂點撥題

1. 「現在進行時」表示將來

children』s day iscome)soon.

2. 「一般將來時的肯定句和一般疑問句」

(1) theynew clothes next sunday. a. buy b. are going to buy c. bought

(2)my family and i _____ going to buy some cakes.

(3)we』re going tomake) cakes tomorrow.

(4)【易錯youvisit) your grandparents tomorrow? yes, i

(5) (be) su hai and su yang going to pick apples?

(6)itbe) children』s day next tuesday.

3. 一般將來時的特殊疑問句

(1)【易錯】_______ is mike going? he』s going to the supermarket. a.

what b who c. where

(2)_____ are you going to visit tomorrow? my uncle and aunt. b.

where c. who

(3)who you (meet) tomorrow?

4. excited 和 exciting

(1)all the students are veryexcite).

(2)【易錯】i』m veryexcite). i』ll watch anexcite) film with my parents.

5. 在春節(期間)at chinese new year, 在春節(這天)on chinese new year』s day

(1)_____ chinese new year』s eve, we』re going to h**e a big dinner.

(2)what are you going to dochinese new

(3)______ the third day of chinese new year, we』re going to watch a lion dance. b. at c.

on6. talk about 和 plans for

(1)jack is talking _____ his plan _____ his friends. to to with about

(2)my parents are talking their plans next year. c. about;for

7. 一些短語和語法細節

(1)nancy often gets emailsher friends. b to c. with

(2)let』stangyuan make b ******

(3)_______ nice fireworks!

(4)the cook is ____ at a cookbook to ____us some nice cook , cook cooking

b卷: 課後鞏固題


( ) what did you do last mid-autumn festival? b:i ______.

a. got red packets b. watched the moon tangyuan

( ) teacher is talking his students holidays. c. about;to

( )3. nice a

( ) you often h**e lunchyour family?

( ) new year is in januaryfebruary.

( )6.-- you and your mother going to watch a film this evening? -- yes, .

c. are;we are



are a lot offirecracker)on the ground.

an email yesterday.

libuy) some flowers last sunday.

7.【易錯】it was nice ______(get) your email.

8.______ youwatch ) a lion dance last year?

9.【易錯】suyang』s mother oftenmake) tangyuan. she』smake) some this evening.

10. (child) day is in june.

11.【易錯】i am happy (get) your email.

and helenbuy)some food tomorrow.

libuy) some flowers last week.

familywatch) a lion dance the day after tomorrow.

15.【易錯】it (be) the women』s day.

16.【易錯】there (be) a dancing lesson tomorrow morning.

you (come) home this evening.

________hedo tomorrow? hevisit ) his aunt.

_______(excite)about children』s day too.

are you going to do _______(at/on) chinese new year?





10.他這個週末準備去拜訪他的祖父母。hehis grandparents this weekend .

11.我父母將給我紅包。my parents aregivepackets.

12.下週將是新年。itchinese new year

13.他明天準備去看舞獅表演嗎? he going totomorrow.

14.他們下週準備做一些蛋糕嗎? they going to

15.明年你們將去參觀上海博物館嗎? youthe shanghai museum next year?


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