
2022-10-30 10:45:07 字數 4691 閱讀 2670

1. 他寧願工作,也不願在家休息。

he would rather work than h**e a rest at home.

he prefers to work than h**e a rest at home .

he prefers working to h**ing a rest at home.

2. 雖然他累了,但他繼續工作。

though / although he was tired, he went on working.

tired as / though he was, he went on working.

he was tired, but he went on working.

3. 他決不是傻子。

he is anything but a fool.

he is not a fool at all.

he is far from being a fool.

he is by no means a fool

4. 這個城市是那個城市的三倍那麼大。

this city is there times as large as that one.

this city is three times the size of that one.

this city is twice larger than that one.

5. 那個男孩為祖國獻出了自己的生命。

the boy devoted his life to his country.

the boy died for his country.

the boy g**e / lost his life for his country.

6. 天下雨了,我們出不去。

the rain prevented us from going out.

the rain stopped us from going out.

the rain kept us from going out.

7. 他只有服從命令別無選擇。

he could do nothing but obey the order.

he had no choice but to obey the order.

there was nothing left for him to do but obey the order.

all he had to do was obey the order.

8. 這個問題值得討論。

this problem is worth discussing.

this problem is worthy of discussion.

this problem is worthy of being discussed.

this problem is worthy to be discussed.

it is worthwhile discussing to discuss this problem.

9. 卓別林被認為是最滑稽的演員之一。

chaplin is considered to be one of the funniest actors.

chaplin is regarded as one of the funniest actors.

chaplin is known as one of the funniest actors.

chaplin is looked on as one of the funniest actors.

10. 我開啟窗戶好嗎?

do you mind if i open the window ?

would you mind if i open the window ?

would you mind my / me opening the window ?

11. 我喜歡古典**。

i enjoy classical music.

i like classical music.

i love classical music.

i am interested in classical music.

i am into classical music.

12. 一班在籃球比賽中贏了二班。

class one beat class two in the basketball match.

class one defeated class two in the basketball match.

class one won against class two in the basketball match.

13. 在過去,女運動員不允許參加奧運會。

women were not allowed to join in the olympic games in the past.

women were not allowed to take part in the olympic games in the past.

14. 他昨晚沒有去參加宴會。

he didn』t attend the party last night.

he didn』t go to the party last night

he wasn』t present at the party last night.

15. 這個地方值得參觀。

the place is worth visiting.

the place is worthy of being visited.

the place is worthy of a visit.

the place is worthy to be visited.

16. 我們班大部分學生都是近視眼。

most students in our class are near-sighted.

most of the students in our class are near-sighted.

the majority of the students in our class are short-sighted.

17. 你能把這個句子譯成英語嗎?

can you translate this sentence into english?

can you put this sentence into english?

can you turn this sentence into english?

18. 當地**必須採取措施阻止動物滅絕。

the local government must take measures to stop animals dying out.

the local government must take steps to stop animals dying out.

the local government must take action to stop animals dying out.

19. 我們班共有六十位學生。

there are 60 students in all in our class.

there are 60 students in total in our class.

there are 60 students altogether in our class.

20. 所有的老師都對他的教法做出了高度的評價。

all of the teachers speak highly of his teaching methods.

all of the teachers think well of his teaching methods.

all the teachers sing high praise for his teaching methods.

21. 我們都知道地球是圓的。

as we all know, the earth is round.

as is known to all, the earth is round.

it is known to all that the earth is round.

22. 據說他出國了。

it is said that he has gone abroad.

he is said to h**e gone abroad.

23. 我說的話使他生氣了。

what i said made him angry.

what i said caused him to be angry.

24. 我住在乙個房子裡,這個房子的窗戶面向南。

i live in a house, whose window faces the south.

i live in a house, the window of which faces the south.

i live in a house; its window faces the south.

i live in a house, and its window faces the south.

25. 我當醫生的夢想終於實現了。

my dream of becoming a doctor has come true.

i h**e realized my dream of becoming a doctor.

my dream of becoming a doctor has come into being.

高中英語高中英語課堂提問三技巧 一

隨著我國素質教育的全面實施,英語教學也越來越重視培養學生的英語交際能力。但是,目前高中英語教學中班級大 一般為50 60人 程度差別較懸殊的現象,加大了教師在課堂中對提問把握的難度。有些教師擔心提問多了,課堂紀律往往難於駕馭 提問少了,師生之間很難溝通,教師也難以了解學生對所教知識的掌握程度。提問過...


備課資料 必修一unit 1 friendship 單元要點預覽 旨在讓同學整體了解本單元要點 語言要點 模組 詞語辨析 旨在提供完形填空所需材料 詞性變化 旨在提供語法填空所需材料 重點詞彙 旨在提供綜合運用所需材料 1.upset adj.心煩意亂的,不安的 不適的 vt.upset,upset...


作者 古強 散文百家 下旬刊 2016年第05期 隨著微課這個新概念的引入,教師可以嘗試如何把它有效地運用於高中英語教學課堂。以下是筆者基於微課概念的一堂課例展示及教學反思。一 教學步驟 以全文作為依據 即該題空所在句子點名了本文的中心思想 是為 面 也可將上述三種方法 點線面 結合起來使用解題。3...