
2021-08-03 17:57:53 字數 2882 閱讀 5781

ksi [3 bits] = 0x0 [ 0 ]

authentication parameter rand

authentication parameter rand = 0xa3de0c6d363e30c364a4078f1bf8d577

authentication parameter autn

ie length [8 bits] = 0x10 [ 16 ]

value = 0x6e323b36c46c5555a3df0e6e323b6391

mme會在downlink nastransport訊息中,將上面nas層的鑑權請求傳送到nodeb,由於此時ue到mme的s1連線還沒有建立, mme還會在downlink nas transport中包含乙個唯一的 mme_ue_s1apid,這樣,nodeb就會為此ue建立起相應的s1-mme連線。同時,nodeb會通過downlink information transfer訊息將eps的鑑權請求傳送給相應的ue。

ue在接收到mme傳送過來的nas層的aur訊息後,啟動相應的aka鑑權過程, lte首先對通過對auth的檢查來對網路側進行鑑權,通過後,ue生成相應的res和ik, ck通過nas層的aua訊息返回到mme,進行ue的鑑權。 ,nodeb通過uplinkinformationtransfer訊息將aua**給相應的mme。

authentication response

security header type [4 bits] = 0x0 [ 0 ]

protocol discriminator [4 bits] = 0x7 [ 7 ]

message type [8 bits] = 0x53 - authentication response [ 83 ]

authentication response parameter

ie length [8 bits] = 0x8 [ 8 ]

authentication response parameter information = 0xa3df0e6e323b36c4

mme在成功對ue進行鑑權以後,就會根據ue上報上來的安全能力(ue在attachrequest中的dedicatedinfonas中指明)來選擇合適的演算法進行nas層的加密和信令完整性保護。mme會通過nas security mode command 訊息將選中的演算法傳送給ue,同時mme也會將接收到的ue安全能力返回給ue。ue對nas security mode command 訊息做完整性保護。

security mode command pdu

[1]security header type [4 bits] = 0x0 [ 0 ]

protocol discriminator [4 bits] = 0x7 [ 7 ]

message type [8 bits] = 0x5d - security mode command [ 93 ]

selected nas security algorithms

spare bits [1 bit] = 0x0 [ 0 ]

type of ciphering algorithm [3 bits] = 0x0 [ 0 ]

spare padding [1 bit] = 0x0 [ 0 ]

type of integrity protection algorithm [3 bits] = 0x1 [ 1 ]

spare half octet [4 bits] = 0x0 [ 0 ]

nas key set identifierasme

type of security context flag [1 bit] = 0x0 [ 0 ]

ksi [3 bits] = 0x0 [ 0 ]

replayed ue security capabilities

ie length [8 bits] = 0x2 [ 2 ]

eea0_128 [1 bit] = 0x1 [ 1 ]

eea1_128 [1 bit] = 0x1 [ 1 ]

eea2_128 [1 bit] = 0x0 [ 0 ]

eea3 [1 bit] = 0x0 [ 0 ]

eea4 [1 bit] = 0x0 [ 0 ]

eea5 [1 bit] = 0x0 [ 0 ]

eea6 [1 bit] = 0x0 [ 0 ]

eea7 [1 bit] = 0x0 [ 0 ]

spare bits [1 bit] = 0x1 [ 1 ]

eia1_128 [1 bit] = 0x1 [ 1 ]

eia2_128 [1 bit] = 0x0 [ 0 ]

eia3 [1 bit] = 0x0 [ 0 ]

eia4 [1 bit] = 0x0 [ 0 ]

eia5 [1 bit] = 0x0 [ 0 ]

eia6 [1 bit] = 0x0 [ 0 ]

eia7 [1 bit] = 0x0 [ 0 ]

ue接收到nodeb**過來的nas層的 security mode command訊息後,首先驗證其中的ue安全能力與自己早先上報給mme的一致,然後根據nas security modecommand中選中的演算法計算相應的金鑰,並生成 nas securitymodecomplete訊息,對之進行完整性保護,傳送給mme。

此時,可以認為nas層的安全性已經啟用, ue和nodeb可以進行安全的nas層對話。

security mode complete pdu

security header type [4 bits] = 0x0 [ 0 ]

protocol discriminator [4 bits] = 0x7 [ 7 ]

message type [8 bits] = 0x5e - security mode complete [ 94 ]


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