
2021-03-04 00:01:40 字數 2049 閱讀 2714


1. he is in class 2,grade 1.(就劃線部分提問)

what class is he in?

2. my name is daming.(改為同義句)

i am daming.

3. wang hui is my friend. (就劃線部分提問)

who is your friend?

4. my father is forty years old. (就劃線部分提問)

how old is your father?

5. they are from shanghai. (就劃線部分提問)

where are they from?


1. there are many kites in the sky.(改為單數)

there is a kite in the sky.

2. they are english teachers. (改為單數)

he is an english teacher.

3. there are ten oranges in the basket. (就劃線部分提問)

how many oranges are there in the basket?

4. it』s dongdong』s dictionary. (就劃線部分提問)

whose dictionary is it?

5. betty can play basketball and tennis. (就劃線部分提問)

what can betty play?

6. is there a television in your classroom.(做否定回答)

no,there isn』t

7. this is a knife.(改為複數)

these are some knives

8. what is your father』s job?(改為同義句)

what is your father

9. can you swim like this? (做否定回答)

no,i can』t.

10. he can play football.(改為一般疑問句)

can he play football?


1. is there a box in the room?(做否定回答)

no,there isn』t.

2. there is a ***puter on the desk.(就劃線部分提問)

what is on the desk?

3. the gym is behind the offices. (就劃線部分提問)

where is the gym?

4. there are 45 students in our class. (就劃線部分提問)

how many students are there in your class?

5. there are some offices behind the classroom.(改為一般疑問句)

are there any offices behind the classroom?


1. 我渴了,瓶子裡有水嗎?

i』m thirsty. is there any water in the bottle?

2. 看!教室裡有乙個老師和兩個同學。

look! there is a teacher and two students in the classroom.

3. 你們學校有幾棟建築物?

how many buildings are there in your school?

4. 書包裡有多少紙?

how much ***** is there in your bag?

5. 在lucy和lily的房間裡有兩張床和一張桌子。

there are two beds and a table in lucy』s and lily』s room.

初一 句子仿寫

審題審主旨內容,做到內容一致 感情一致 風格一致。審句式結構,是複句,假設 因果 遞進 並列等複句關係也應一致 是單句,主 謂 賓 定 狀 補的位置應相一致。審修辭格式,做到修辭一致。仿寫參考 例1 仿照下列句子,接寫一句 陳述物件保持一致 書籍好比一架梯子,它能引導我們登上知識的殿堂 仿句 書籍如...


縮句練習 1 可愛的小紅在認真地看著有趣的新書。2 爸爸在床上聽到窗外一陣陣的鑼鼓聲和歡呼聲。3 這是一座拔地而起 造型奇特的新建大樓。4 五彩繽紛的焰火在夜空中構成了一幅美妙無比的圖案。5 在農民們的辛勤勞動下,今年小麥的長勢十分喜人。6 生態保護區生長著上千株枝葉茂盛的銀杉樹。7 廣場上千萬盞燈...

語文練習 五 句子練習

一 修辭練習 能夠正確指出各句運用的修辭手法。1 一串串寶石般的水珠飛騰著,飛騰著,落進深潭。2 聽了這感人的故事後,你不覺得我們的戰士是可愛的嗎?3 別看小草的身軀是那樣的柔弱,卻有著驚人的生命力。狂風暴雨休想催垮它 洪水 乾旱不能滅絕它 即使是車輪將它碾得粉身碎骨,不用多久,它又會從地下挺直身軀...