
2021-03-04 01:44:31 字數 3351 閱讀 2464

from time to time


be different from


***e from


from door to door


from now on


from tip to toe


hear from


keep... from


be from


from then on


far away from


from morning till night[中考]從早到晚

get some letters from my friends[中考]收到朋友的來信

a team from a country school[中考]一支來自農村的球隊(運動員)

fly from beijing to new york[中考]從北京飛到紐約

go to school from monday to friday[中考]從周一到周五上學

three weeks from today[中考]今天算起還有三個星期

live far away from the school[中考]住在離學校很遠的地方

***e from = be from


get a letter from my friend[中考]收到我的朋友一封信

be far from


far from ...


keep away from


break away from


be away from

[中考] 遠離

be from = ***e from

[中考] 來自

borrow sth. from sb.

[中考] 向...借...

learn from sb.

[中考] 向某人學習

stay away from

[中考] 遠離...

stop sb. from doing sth.

[中考] 阻止某人做某事

draw tears from sb.

[中考] 催人淚下

take a lesson from

[中考] 從...在中吸取教訓

prevent sb. from doing[中考] 防止某人做某事

escape from prison

[中考] 越獄

tell one from the other[中考] 辨別,分清

apart from


aside from


depart from


die from


far from


free from


keep from


learn from


result from


run out from


keep sb. from doing sth.


keep sth. from sb.


separate ... from


be made from


gather from


live from hand to mouth[高考]僅夠餬口

from beginning to end[高考]從頭到尾

from that day on


from hand to mouth


from bad to worse


free from ...


freedom from anxiety / fear[高考]無憂無慮/無所畏懼

derive from

[大學] 取得;起源;由來

be detached from

[大學] 把…從…上卸下

from memory

[大學] 憑記憶

preserve from

[大學] 保護,使…免遭

stray away from

[大學] 走離;走失;漫遊

abstain from

[大學] 戒除,棄權,避開

excuse onese

lf from

[大學] 藉口推託;婉言拒絕

issue from

[大學] 由…引起;產生於

other from

[大學] 不同於

refrain from

[大學] 忍住;抑制,制止

start from scratch

[大學] 從頭做起,從零開始

from way back


from pillar to post

東奔西跑, 到處碰壁

home from home

n. 第二個故鄉;賓至如歸的地方

from start to finish


shrink from

躲避shy away from


fall from grace


date from


fugitive from justice【法】 逃犯

from nowhere


flow from


escape from


from scratch



二十四幀 frames 24 有一種思念叫做一生!父與女 father and daughter 是麥可 度德威特執導拍攝的一部劇情動畫片,於2001年5月27日在波蘭上映,曾獲得第73屆奧斯卡最佳動畫短片獎。影片講述父親帶著女兒一起騎單車,他們穿過林間小路,騎過草地,騎上高坡,來到平靜的湖邊,而父...


篇一 一生的承諾 總以為,父母對我們的愛是理所當然,我們總是無情地揮霍著。也許,到了生命的盡頭,我們才會醒悟。其實,他們想要的不多,只希望兒女幸福。自從當上父母的那一天起,他們就許下了一生的承諾。一位老師曾這樣告訴我們 你們別以為父母欠你們什麼,他們為你們操勞了一輩子,卻從來沒向你們索取過什麼。小時...


as long as you are dreaming,believing and doing,you can go anywhere and achieve anything.最初建立時間 年 月 日 如果這是你第一次把你的願望用文字全面呈現,那麼這一天就是你人生中的歷史時刻 最後更新時間 年 月...