必修1 4英語詞彙測試卷

2023-01-24 07:33:04 字數 7687 閱讀 7494

1. 熱心的

2. amazing

3. 五則資訊

4. method

5. 對…厭煩的

6. embarrassed

7. 態度

8. description

9. impress

10. 鼓勵某人做…

11. misunderstanding

12. 感到失望的

13. assistant

14. 包含

15. amusing

16. 精力充沛的

17. 緊張的

18. 耐心的

19. serious

20. 對…嚴格的

21. 避免做…

22. appreciate

23. admit

24. 科學的

25. 文學

26. summary

27. 尊敬

28. grade

29. revision

30. translation

31. timetable

32. topic

33. discipline

34. 關係

35. 感到放鬆地

36. similarly

37. 距離

38. abandoned

39. camel

40. desert

41. diamond

42. expert

43. scenery

44. shoot

45. train v.

46. stadium

47. frighten

48. 面試

49. event

50. exhausted

51. downtown

52. ceremony

53. souvenir

54. survey

55. 地方的…

56. suburb

57. 吸引人的…

58. 幸運的

59. tourist

60. bother

61. district

62. approach

63. harbour

64. architecture

65. sarve

66. park v.

67. unemployed

68. occupation

69. professional

70. gallery

71. 交換

72. fascinating

73. 買得起,有能力支付

74. survive

75. contact

76. liquid

77. expand

78. mixture

79. oxygen

80. electricity

81. stage

82. 結論

83. reaction

84. equipment

85. ordinary

86. float

87. dissolve

88. banlance

89. flame

90. facility

91. lecture

92. astonished

93. access

94. crash

95. breakdown

96. source

97. 創造

98. 設計

99. concentrate

100. fantastic


1. fat n.

2. keep fit

3. rare

4. toothache

5. 富有的

6. proverb

7. anxious

8. captain

9. injure

10. 正常的

11. head v.

12. overweight

13. lung

14. throat

15. 呼吸 v.

16. prescription

17. symptom

18. insurance

19. drug

20. cancer

21. cigarette

22. addictive

23. 危險

24. inject

25. powerful

26. reduce

27. burglary

28. criminal

29. illegal

30. treatment

31. adult

32. affect

33. participant

34. recognise

35. jogging

36. audience

37. classical

38. conductor

39. **家

40. genius

41. peasant

42. talent

43. prince

44. composer

45. album

46. complex

47. influence

48. record n.

49. choir

50. artist

51. colourful

52. contemporary

53. delightful

54. paint v.

55. scene

56. 傳統的

57. aspect

58. imitate

59. observe

60. 現實

61. adopt

62. aim v.

63. stand

64. 展覽

65. expression

66. portrait

67. 領悟,意識到

68. 破壞

69. headline

70. photograph

71. celebrity

72. economy

73. politics

74. universe

75. sailor

76. congratulation

77. historical

78. achievement

79. replace

80. alien

81. astronomer

82. autograph

83. delighted

84. trelescope

85. belief

86. evidence

87. cultural

88. financial

89. review

90. royal

91. produce

92. poster

93. occasionally

94. comedy

95. sword

96. character

97. female

98. masterpiece

99. graceful

100. 勇敢的


1. landmark

2. gallery

3. 坐落於…

4. symbol

5. architect

6. civilisation

7. opposite

8. govern

9. representative

10. region

11. feature

12. poverty

13. 測定,測量

14. position

15. charity

16. similarity

17. entertainment

18. 交換

19. 災難

20. flood

21. 經歷

22. furniture

23. bury

24. feather

25. occur

26. equator

27. violent

28. w**e

29. 襲擊,打動

30. ruin

31. volcano

32. 可能性

33. **

34. 幸運地

35. 積極的,活躍的

36. damage

37. sandstorm

38. frightening

39. campaign

40. desertification

41. process

42. dust

43. forecast

44. strength

45. mask

46. atmosphere

47. chemical

48. 環境

49. garbage

50. melt

51. 汙染 n.

52. recycle

53. coast

54. concerned

55. evidence

56. major

57. urgent

58. complain

59. scary

60. absolutely

61. 保護 n.

62. equal

63. 重要性

64. philosophy

65. principle

66. 職位

67. stress

68. resign

69. adviser

70. influence

71. 誠實 n.

72. justice

73. contribution

74. invent

75. leather

76. soft

77. argument

78. freedom

79. fuel

80. condition

81. canal

82. cliff

83. dam

84. gorge

85. reservoir

86. structure

87. 始於…

88. construction

89. narrow

90. global

91. submerge

92. freezing

93. ridiculous

94. enormous

95. crash

96. in conclusion

97. (夢想等)變成現實

98. in a nutshell

99. make efforts

100. in all


1. brick

2. alternative

3. crime

4. prediction

5. resource

6. run out

7. 材料

8. solar enegy

9. get rid of

10. arrest

11. limit

12. command

13. recreation

14. free of charge

15. telesurgery

16. clinic

17. disability

18. look out

19. eventually

20. be connected to…

21. get stuck in

22. in no time

23. receipt

24. get around

25. air conditioner

26. destination

27. route

28. provide

29. 方便的

30. single n.

31. explore

32. keep cool

33. react

34. solution

35. no way

36. registration

37. 交流 n.

38. unconscious

39. vary

40. on guard

41. formal

42. aggressive

43. weapon

44. gesture

45. threatening

46. make a deal

47. involve

48. slightly

49. forehead

50. hold up

51. spread

52. give away

53. lip

54. hug

55. stare at…

56. religion

57. by accident

58. panic

59. rude

60. invitation

61. live adj.

62. classical

63. funeral

64. biochemistry

65. staple

66. leading

67. bring up

68. 教育 v.

69. nickname

70. agriculture

71. original

72. publish

73. breakthrough

74. support

75. as a result of

76. convert

77. cash crop

78. best –seller

79. quality

80. 畢業 v.

81. escape

82. c**e

83. shore

84. valley

85. at the edge of

86. surround

87. trade

88. legend

89. be he**y with…

90. immense

91. attack

92. creature

93. exist

94. sharp

95. mysterious

96. su***ce

97. sceptical

98. adapt

99. extinct

100. indicate


1 gadget 蓋起它,用它 起子 起開瓶蓋,起子屬於 小工具,小機械。2 gaffe 蓋覆,自知口誤,以手掩 蓋覆 口 社交上令人不快的 失言,失態。或 ga get,ffe fault,出錯,說話 行為出錯。3 gaiety 給俺天,天都給俺了還不高興啊!歡樂,快活。4 galley 咖哩,海...


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