
2023-01-24 02:12:02 字數 3212 閱讀 2155



一、聽錄音,圈出你所聽到的那幅圖。 (聽兩遍)(6分)

1. ab2. ab.

3. ab4. ab.

5. ab6. ab.




( ) 1. 當你想知道露西喜不喜歡小貓時,你可以問:

( ) 2. 你想知道爸爸會不會打桌球,你可以問:

( ) 3. 你想要一些茶時,可以說:

( ) 4. 你想知道你的白色鴨舌帽在不在臥室時,可以說:

( ) 5. 詢問售貨員那些葡萄多少錢時,可以說:

( ) 6. 你的洋娃娃眼睛很大,你可以向大家這樣介紹:


( ) 1. a. i h**e some pears. b. i like horsesc. i can jump.

( ) 2. a. it』s forty yuan.

b. they』re forty yuan. c.

i』m forty.

( ) 3. a. yes, i canb. no, she can』tc. yes, he can.

( ) 4. a. thank youb. yes, i doc. yes, please.

( ) 5. a. it』s in the bedroom.

b. they』re on the sofa. c.

it』s in the kitchen.

( ) 6. a. it』s very cute.

b. they』re very coolc. they』re thirty-two yuan.


awould you

b: i』d like a

a: how about this oneare big.

b: yes, but heris yellow. ilike it.

a: look at theone. herare very beautiful.

b: yesis it?

ayuan, please.

b: ok.

筆試部分 (70分)


1. 他的小耳朵2. 三十隻貓

3. 一杯咖啡cup of4. 一些魚

5. 又高又瘦and6. 你的果汁

7. 踢足球8. 十五隻胖老虎fat _______

9. 喜歡香蕉10. make our fruit salad

11. only nineteen yuan12. anything else

13. i can』t skate either14. well done


( ) 1. —what』s this?

—it』slittle elephant.

a. ab. anc. /

( ) 2. i like thatdo you like

a. skirts; itb. skirt; itc. skirt; skirt

( ) 3those crayons?

—no, they aren』tpens.

a. are; they』reb. are; it』sc. is; they』re

( ) 4. —would you like a rubber?

a. yes, i dob. no, i don'tc. no, thanks.

( ) 5your mother in the kitchen?

—yes, she

a. are; areb. do; isc. is; is

( ) 6. i h**etoy tigers, but i don』t h**etoy bears.

a. some; someb. some; anyc. any; some

( ) 7. —can you

—yes, i can.

a. play basketballs b. play the basketball c. play basketball

( ) 8. —what cando?

can jump high(高).

a. d**id; sheb. yang ling; she c. you; he

( ) 9. —whatyou like?

a glass of milk.

a. would; i likeb. do; i likec. would; i』d like

( ) 10.—your new jacket looks very beautiful.

a. yes, it isb. thank youc. don』t be sad.


a( ) 1. where』s your toy pandaa. yes, please.

( ) 2. do you like monkeysb. they』re pineapples.

( ) 3. what are those in the bagc. yes, they are.

( ) 4. are these your orangesd. yes, they』re cute.

( ) 5. would you like a cup of teae. it's in the living room.

b( ) 1. how much is this pencil casea. fifty.

( ) 2. how many crayons do you h**eb. yes, it is.

( ) 3. is your skirt in the bedroomc. no, but i can swim.

( ) 4. can you skated. fifty yuan.

( ) 5. can helen swim very welle. no, she can't.


一 listen and number.聽音,標號。10 二 listen and tick or cross.聽音,判斷,正確的打 錯誤的打 10 三 listen and write the numbers.聽音,寫數字。10 四 listen and choose.聽句子,選出句子中所包含的單...


小學英語四年級上冊教學計畫 2009 09 06 11 58 10 一 學生基本情況分析 本學期我擔任四年級的英語課,本年級共有學生50人,年齡在9 11歲之間,他們身心健康 活潑可愛 接受知識的能力強。大多數的同學對英語很感興趣,學習積極性高。因此在本學期的教學中,要注重學習興趣的培養,注意因材施...


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