
2023-01-15 21:03:03 字數 2783 閱讀 3620




this project is a teacher assessment management system, comprehensively expounds the development technology, the development of teacher evaluation management system function, operation process and the main technology. respectively introduced in this ***** an overview of the system, this ***** introduces the system development background, the purpose of teacher evaluation management system development, and the main application; then the teacher evaluation management system of the planning stage, through the actual analysis and research, analysis of the teacher evaluation management system structure, complete the teachers' management system requirements analysis, feasibility analysis, business process analysis, and then the system analysis, and then through the system optimization, through constant optimization system, draw system business process; and then introduced the system's database, analyses the system of data table and so on related content; finally introduces the specific design, the evaluation system of teachers introduce the function of each section points, and other functions. finally the logical structure design, complete a variety of data table design.

based on the system analysis and design to the design of the demand, in the design of the teachers' evaluation management system adopts b/s mode, at the same time use jsp technology to realize teachers' evaluation management system, the design and implementation of the background database selection is essentially database.

keywords teaching evaluation system,management system,jsp










一 快速構建企業人才管理評價系統的原理設計 1 以組織戰略 核心價值 企業文化為導向 2 以崗位勝任力為核心 3 以人才素質為物件 4 實現人與組織 人與職位的雙重匹配 二 快速構建模型和測評的操作方法 1 企業內部專家組評定 企業文化勝任力 企業文化 由本企業的高層管理者,中層經理 績優員工以及人...


功能簡介 該系統應實現的功能有 管理功能 投票功能 統計功能 學生註冊後參加投票 報表列印。管理功能 管理功能裡能夠實現全校教師的名單輸入 可以更改 學科的輸入 可以更改 班級 年級 的輸入 能夠設定教師對應學科 能夠設定教師對應班級 可以更改 能夠設定調查專案 能隨時更改 設定調查專案的選項 使用...

系統實施 管理與評價

一 單項選擇題 1 在系統生命週期的各階段中,花費費用和人力投入最多的階段是 a.分析與設計 b.編制程式 c.測試程式 d.系統維護 2 完成管理系統的日常執行工作的人員是 a.資訊中心負責人 b.系統分析員 c.程式設計員 d.操作員 3 逐步轉換法是 a.用新系統直接代替老系統,中間無過渡階段...