
2022-12-30 07:00:03 字數 4505 閱讀 9670

7、 閱讀下列短文,在每個空格處填入乙個適當的英語單詞,使短文在結構和意義上完整。

every day we go to _______(1) and listen to the teacher, and the teacher will ask you some _______(2)。 sometimes the classmates will ask you about the work of the class. when you are telling _______(3) in the class what you h**e found out about these subjects, remember that they will be _______(4) to hear what you are saying.

you are not _______(5) part in a family conversation or h**ing a _______(6) with friends. you are in class. there a large group of people will keep _______(7), waiting to hear what you h**e to _______(8)。

you must speak loudly and clearly _______(9) but without trying to shout so that they can10) you.



1. school.從後文「聽老師上課」可知前文是「上學(go to school)」。

2. questions.與搭配ask當然是questions.注意要用question的複數。

3. others.同學問你,你當然是告訴班上的其他同學。由classmates可知同學不止乙個,所以others(別人) 要用複數。

4. able.從後文可知是指你回答問題時要大聲點讓同學們能夠聽到你在說什麼。be able to能夠。

5. taking.從搭配看是考查固定短語take part in(參加),要注意的是前面有are,動詞take要用現在分詞,共同構成現在進行時態。

6. talk.固定短語:h**e a talk with sb與某人談話。

7. quiet.由後文等著聽你說,他們當然就要「沉默」。片語:keep quiet保持沉默、不講話。

8. say.聽到你所說的話。引導賓語從句的what作say的賓語。

9. enough.從後文「但不是喊」可知是要求說得足夠大足夠清楚。

副詞enough(足夠地) 要放在所修飾的形容詞或副詞之後,此處放在副詞loudly and clearly後。

10. hear.說足夠大聲和足夠清楚其目的就是為了讓同學們能夠聽到你。

8、 閱讀下列短文,在每個空格處填入乙個適當的英語單詞,使短文在結構和意義上完整。

school education is very important and useful. yet no one can _______(1) everything at school and a teacher cannot teach his _______(2) everything they want to know. his _______(3) is to show his students _______(4) to learn.

he teaches them how to read _______(5) how to think. so much more is to be learned outside school by the students _______(6)。

it is always more _______(7) to know how to study _______(8) oneself. it is quite _______(9) to learn something, but it is difficult to use it to solve problems. great inventors do not get everything _______(10) school, but they still can ______(11) many things and change the world a lot.

how can the inventors do all of this12) of the answers is: they_______(13) how to study. a lot of things are not _______(14) in the classroom.

they got a lot _______(14) knowledge by reading outside school. they work hard and never give up all their lives.


1. learn / study.由後文的at school可知是「學習」。

2. students / pupils.老師教當然是教他的學生。

3. work / job.結合全句的意思可知:老師的工作就是教會學生如何學習。

4. how.見上題。

5. and.前後的how to read與how to think顯然是並列關係,所以用and.

6. themselves.句意:還有更多的知識要靠學生自己在出校門後自學。

7. important / necessary 句意:知道如何自學往往更重要或更必要。片語:teach by oneself自學。

8. by.見上題。

9. easy.因but表示前後是轉折關係,後文是difficult,前文應當就是easy.

10. at / in / from.句意:發明家們並沒有在學校或從學校學到了一切。

11. invent / do / make 由前面的inventors和後文的「改變世界」可知,他們發明了許多東西。

12. one.從後文的答語和謂語動詞is可知,是其中的乙個答案。one of「……中的乙個」。

13. know.第7空後有明顯的提示:know how to study.

14. taught / learnt / learned.由in the classroom可知是老師「教給」或自己「學到」,注意是被動語態,要用過去分詞。

15. of.固定搭配:a lot of許多。


when you laugh, you will (1)______(張開) your mouth and your teeth. the healthier those teeth are, the happier you look. why is that?

it『s (2)______(因為) your teeth are important in many ways. if you take care of them, they』ll help to take care of you. strong, healthy teeth help you eat the right food to help you grow.

they also help you speak clearly.

you can take care of your teeth by doing like these:

brush your teeth (3)______(一日兩次) after breakfast and before bedtime. if you can, brush (4)______(午飯後) or after eating sweet cakes.

brush all of your teeth, not just the front ones. spend some time on the teeth along the sides and in the back.

take your time while brushing. spend (5)______(至少) 3 minutes each time you brush.

be sure your toothbrush is soft(柔軟的)。 ask your parent to help you get a new toothbrush (6)______(每三個月)。

learn how to floss(用牙線清理) your teeth, which is a very important way to keep them healthy. it feels strange when you do it at first, but soon you『ll (7)______(習慣於) doing it. the floss gets rid of food that』s hidden between your teeth.

brushing and flossing (8)______(保持) your teeth healthy. you also need to care about what you eat and drink. eat (9)______(許多) fruits and vegetables and drink water (10)______ (代替) drinks.

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