
2022-12-20 23:36:02 字數 4405 閱讀 3945

1. my name is john smith.(我叫約翰·史密斯。

)2. welcome to shenzhen.(歡迎你到深圳來。

)3. what』s your name, please?(請問你叫什麼名字?

)4. nice meeting you.(很高興見到你。

)5. how are you?(你好嗎?

)6. where are you from?(你是**人?)7. what do you do?(你是做什麼工作的?)

8. is this your first visit to shenzhen.(這是你第一次到深圳來嗎?

)9. nice day, ins』t it? (今天的天氣真不錯。

)10. i』ve got to go now. (我得走了。

)11. see you.(再見!

)12. h**e a nice day.(祝你今天過得愉快。)

13. how long h**e you been in shenzhen.(你來深圳多久了?

)14. how do you like the city?(你覺得這個城市怎麼樣?

)15. the city is green and beautiful.(這個城市綠樹成蔭,市容美麗。

)16. i』m glad you like it.(我很高興你喜歡這裡。

)17. enjoy your stay.(祝你過得愉快。

)18. will you be free next tuesday?(下周二你有空嗎?

)19. what time is good for you?(你什麼時間比較方便?

)20. any time is all right.(隨時都可以。

)21. where shall we meet?(我們在哪兒見面呢?

)22. you can』t miss it. (你一定能找到的。

)23. excuse me.(勞駕/對不起/打擾一下/請問。)24. thank you.(謝謝!)

25. you』re welcome.(不客氣。)26. i』m sorry.(對不起。)27. it』s ok. (沒關係。)

28. what a beautiful city!(多美的城市啊!)

29. you look very pretty in this dress.(你穿這件衣服很漂亮!

)30. your chinese is very good.(你的漢語很棒。

)31. congratulations!(恭喜你!

)32. good luck!(祝你好運!

)33. may i help you?(有什麼可以幫忙的嗎?)

請問去火車站怎麼走?)35. you can take bus no.


what time is it now?(現在幾點了?)37.

where is the restroom?(洗手間在**?)38.

go straight ahead.(往前直走。)39.

you look great.(你的氣色不借。)40.

aaything the matter?(怎麼啦?)41.

i』ve got a cold. (我感冒了。)

42. shall take you to the hospital?(要不要我帶你去醫院?)43. don』t bother.(不用麻煩了。)

44. where do you want to go?(你想去**?)45. it』s quite far from here. (路挺遠的。)

46. here we are.(到了。)

47. i speak to john?(喂,能叫約翰聽**嗎?

)48. wrong number.(你打錯**了。

)49. hold on,please.(請稍等。

)50. sorry,he』s out.(對不起,他出去了。)

51. where can i find a pay phone?(**有公用**?)52. speaking!(我就是!)

53. how much would you like to exchange?(您要換多少?

)54. fill in the form, please.(請填好這張表。

)55. how would you like your money?(您要什麼面額的?

)56. here you are.(這些是給您的。

)57. check it, please.(請檢查一下。

)58. i』d like to buy a shirt. (我想買件襯衫。

)59. what size, please?(請問您要什麼尺寸呢?

)60. try this on.(試試這一件。

)61. it fits me well.(它很合身。

)62. anything else?(還需要別的什麼嗎?

)63. it』s time for lunch. (到吃午飯的時間了。

)64. may i take your order? (能為您點菜了嗎?

)65. how would you like your steak?(您的牛排要怎麼做?)66. the check, please.(埋單。)

67. for here or to go?(這裡吃還是打包。)68. where would you like to stay?(你想住**?)

69. do you h**e reservations?(您有預訂嗎?

)70. sign here, please.(請在這裡簽名。

)71. single or double?(單人房還是雙人房?

)72. how do you spell your name, please?(您的名字怎麼拼?

)73. you h**e many choices.(有很多選擇。

)74. how about a snack?(來點兒夜宵怎麼樣?

)75. would you like something to drink?(要點兒喝的嗎?

)76. it』s free.(這是免費的。

)77. the bill is on me.(今天我請客。

)78. do you h**e anything special in mind?(你有什麼具體打算嗎?

)79. h**e you ever been to window of the world?(你去過世界之窗嗎?

)80. your ticket, please.(請出示您的票。

)81. i』ll show you the way.(我帶您去。

)82. we』re open from 8 to 11 從早晨8點開到晚上11點。)83.

could you take a picture of me?(你能幫我照張相嗎?)84.

how much is a ticket?(多少錢一張票?)85.

good idea!(好主意!)

86. what is the guide fee for a day?(請個導遊一天多少錢?)

87. shenzhen has some of the most famous theme parks in china.(深圳有幾個中國最著名主題公司。)

88. it』s really worth seeing.(真值得一看。)

89. it is the largest housing estate in shenzhen.(它是深圳最大的住宅小區。)

90. how many households are there in this housing estate?(這個小區有


91. it has schools, restaurants and grocery stores.(這裡有學校、餐館和食品雜貨店。)

92. everything here is convenient for the residents.(這裡的居民生活很方便。)

93. you said it.(你說對了。)

94. it』s a well-managed housing estate.(這個小區管理得很好。

)95. which places should visit?(我在兒遊覽些什麼地方好呢?

)96. the theme parks are a must.(主題公園是必遊專案。

)97. the best way to go is by bus.(最好的辦法是坐公共汽車去。

)98. shenzhen is a city of migrants.(深圳是乙個移民城市。

)99. i can't wait to start the tour.(我已經迫不及待想去看看了。

)100. this is the most famous landmark building in shenzhen.(這是深圳最著名的標誌性建築。)


第一條為進一步規範民辦中小學辦學行為,促進學校改善辦學條件,根據有關法律法規和中小學規劃建設標準,結合我市實際,制定本標準。第二條本標準適用於依據 中華人民共和國民辦教育促進法 新設立的民辦小學 民辦九年制學校 民辦初級中學 民辦完全中學 民辦普通高中 民辦十二年制學校。民辦十二年制學校配置標準參照...


24 take care of yourself.自己當心 照顧好你自己。25 thank you for everything.謝謝你的多方關照 你為我所做的一切。26 thank you all for coming.謝謝光臨。27 i appreciate your help.我感謝你的幫助。...


1.我們必須牢記過去的教訓。mind n.2.在日本,大多數年輕人結婚都是租房的。get 3.難道你從來沒考慮過要回報父母嗎?return 4.你如果方便的話,請盡快把你寫的東西寄給我。post 5.坐飛機從上海到紐約要多長時間?take 6.究竟是什麼使你看起來如此年輕?look 7.我覺得旅遊是...