
2022-12-01 20:30:02 字數 4079 閱讀 1478





( )1 a、spring b、summer c、fall

( )2 a、marchb、may c、april

( )3 a、eat breakfastb、eat lunch c、eat dinner

( )4 a、7:30 b、8:30 c、9:30

( )5 a、drinkingb、eating c、h**ing

( )6 a、fly kites b、plant trees c、make a snowman

( )7 a、nice b、sweet c、good

( )8 a、go hikingb、go shopping c、go fishing

( )9 a、go to bed b、go to school c、go to work

( )10 a、first b、second c、third


1、look, what is my mother doing? she』s

2、chen jie and amy are

3、hellocan i speak to chenjie, please ?

4、her grandpa is

5、when is your birthday


( )1. a. there are four seasons in a year. b. spring is my f**orite season.

( )2. a. it's june 21st. b. it's thursday.

( )3. a. no. he's playing football. b. yes. he's very tall.

( )4. a. my mom is a doctor. b. sure. hold on, please.

( )5. a. they are cooking she is answering the phone.


( )1、a、morning b、evening c、noon

( )2、a、season b、snow c、winter

( )3、a、swim b、sleep c、leaf

( )4、a、april b、august c、may

( )5、a、fourth b、fifth c、second

( )6、a、third b、first c、second

( )7、a、often b、usually c、sometimes

( )8、a、skate b、snow c、spring

( )9、a、because b、with c、play with

( )10、a、go hiking b、play sports c、go shopping


( ) i eat breakfast and go to school.

( ) we h**e a big dinner and eat an ice cream.

( ) i usually get up early in the morning.

( ) i』m very happy. because it』s my birthday.

( ) after school, i go home and play the piano.


( )1、a、i』m from england. b、my birthday is in may.

( )2、a、monday. b、june 9th.

( )3、a、summer b、i like swimming.

( )4、a、i like winter best. b、i can go hiking.

( )5、a、at 6:00. b、in summer.



( )1 a、winter b、cool c、spring d、summer

( )2 a、cool b、cold c、warm d、walk

( )3 a、skate b、swim c、climb d、season

( )4 a、first b、two c、second d、third

( )5 a、may b、july c、sunday d、june


( ) 1.spring a.春天 b.季節 c.夏天

( ) 2.morning a.下午 b.中午 c.上午

( ) 3.may a.五月 b.三月 c.六月

( ) 4.write a letter a.寫報告 b.寫信 c.寫電子郵件

( ) 5.swim a.游泳 b.盪鞦韆 c.跑步

( ) 6.usually a.通常 b.一般 c.經常

( ) 7.evening a.晚上 b.早上 c.中午

( ) 8.h**e a picnic a.數昆蟲 b.舉行野餐 c.做實驗

( ) 9.drink water a.打架 b.講話 c.喝水

( ) 10.twelfth a.十二 b.第十二 c.第二十


( )1. my parents usually get on b. inc. at

( )2 . ----what's the date today?

a. it's tuesday. b. it's coolc. it's april 1st.

( )3 . ----is amy answering the phone?

a. yes, he does. b. no, she is writing a letter. c. no, he isn't.

( )4. there is a call ____ you.

a. for b. on c. at

( )5they are listening to music.

a. what do they do?b. what are you doing?

c. what are your grandparents doing?

( ) 6. this is ______ my b. an c. you

( ) writing b. writec. written

( ) 8they playing sports?a. are b. is c. am

( ) 9. winterzoom and zip don』t skate. they sleep.

a. coming b. come c. comes

( ) 10. i』m ****** a birthday cake fo***mily.

a. we b. us c. our


( ) 1. what do you do on the weekend? a. no, i'm going hiking.

( ) 2. when is children's day? b. i'm doing homework.

( ) season do you like best? c. june 1st.

( ) 4. are you climbing the mountain?d. winter. i can play with snow.

( ) 5. what are you doing? e. i often do homework and go hiking.


1、are you h**ing lunch at home ? yes , . (肯定回答)

2、jack is flying the kite now .(對畫線部分提問)

jack now ?

3、he goes to work at 7:00.(改為一般疑問句)


班級姓名得分 聽力部分 50分 一 聽錄音,把你認為符合錄音內容的 下面的字母圈住。10分 123 a.baba.45.ba.ba.b.二 聽錄音,判斷下面的 用 或 表示。10分 12345.三 聽錄音,在句子的空格中填上合適的單詞 每格一詞 10分 1do you like winter?bec...


班級姓名得分 聽力部分 50分 一 聽錄音,把你認為符合錄音內容的 下面的字母圈住。10分 123 a.baba.45.ba.ba.b.二 聽錄音,判斷下面的 用 或 表示。10分 12345.三 聽錄音,在句子的空格中填上合適的單詞 每格一詞 10分 1do you like winter?bec...


五年級下冊英語 試題 2013 2014學年第一學期期中考試卷 注 考生姓名一律填在左邊密封線內規定的位置,填在其他地方試卷均作無效處理,答題不得超出密封線。一 選擇正確的譯文並連線。每小題1分,共10分 weekend 秋天season第一 often通常best睡覺 usually春天sleep...