人教版英語五年級上冊第三單元測試卷 三年級始用

2022-11-29 21:42:06 字數 2762 閱讀 1102



cabbage tofufish apple eggplant

grapes green beans potatotomato mutton


1. sw_ _ta. ee b. ea c. ae

2. fr_ _ ta. ui c. ou

3. sa. our b. ore c. oue

4. to_ _ to a. ta b. ma c. pa

5. eggpl_ _t a. en b. ea c. an


1. what』s _____ f**ourite food?

a. your b. you c. me

2. i like

a. grapes b . grape c. banana

3. what do you ______ for dinner?

a. h**e b. has c. had

4. it』s a kind of vegetable. it』s red. it』s round. it』s healthy. it』______

a. an apple b. tomato

5. what do you h**e_____ dinner on mondays.

a. in b. on c. for

6. what do you h**e______sundays.

a. on b. in c. from

7. he ____ mutton.

a. like b. likes c. liked

8. i』d like some _______

a. fish c. fishes

9. the banana is _______

a. salty b. tasty c. sour

10. the beef is ______salty.

a. to b. too c. too much


1. would lunch for like what you ?

2. tofu fish and h**e i.

3. we mondays h**e mutton cabbages and on .

4. h**e you do for lunch what .

5. am i hungry


hello, i ____ jack. i』m ______ years old. i am from_______.

my f**ourite day is ______. we h**e p. e.

and ______ class and we h**e _______ for lunch on monday. potatoes are my______ food. monday is a great day!

my f**ourite teacher is ________li . he』s our art teacher . he is tall andhe is very active.

we allhim.



bob: i like tomatoesfor you .


tom: pork is my f**ourite , but i』m he**y now. i h**e to eatdo you like pork?

amyi like fishi like salty food.


1. what h**e do breakfast for you today (?) (連詞成句)

2. what would you like for lunch? (寫出中文意思)

3. i』m h**e to eat vegetables. (改錯句)

4. i like carrot juice . (改為否定句

5. 邁克喜歡新鮮的水果。(用英文寫出句子)

八、 情景對話,給左邊的問句選擇正確的答語,把其編號寫到左邊的括號裡。(10分)

1. what do you h**e for lunch? a. grapes

2. what』s your f**ourite food? b. tofu

3. what』s you f**ourite fruit? c. i』d like some beans.

4. what would you liked. i h**e some tomato.

5. do you like muttone. yes , i do.


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