
2022-10-30 13:33:02 字數 3356 閱讀 6237


聽力部分 (共五題,計40分)

ⅰ. 聽錄音,選出你所聽到的單詞。(每小題2分,共10分)

( ) 1. a. kitchenb. listen

( ) 2. a. sleep b. snow

( ) 3. a. glasses b. raincoat

( ) 4. a. climb b. cook

( ) 5. a. horse b. homework

ⅱ. 聽錄音,選出你所聽到的句子。(每小題2分,共10分)

( ) 1. a. whose home is it

b. where are you?

( ) 2. a. this is my house.

b. welcome to my home!

( ) 3. a. we often watch tv in the living room.

b. we often watch tv in the bedroom.

( ) 4. a. our bedroom is nice

b. our dining room is nice.

( ) 5. a. what are they doing?

b. what is she doing?

ⅲ. 聽錄音,判斷下列句子與你所聽的內容是(t)否(f)相符。(每小題2分,共10分)

( ) 1. my mother is a nurse.

( ) 2. my mother is cooking in the kitchen.

( ) 3. look at the dog.

( ) 4. i need an umbrella.

( ) 5. he often climbs the mountains.

ⅳ. 聽錄音,按聽到的順序將下列句子排序。(每小題2.5分,共10分)

( ) a. darling ,where are you?

( ) b. i』m cooking.

( ) c. what are you doing?

( ) d. i』m in the kitchen.


ⅰ. 為下列**選擇正確的單詞。(每小題2分,共10分)

ⅱ. 從下列每組單詞中選出與其他兩項不同類的一項。(每小題2分,共10分)

( ) 1. a. bathroomb. kitchen c. bed

( ) 2. a. cleanb. cloudc. snow

( ) 3. a. babyb. readc. write

( ) 4. a. snowb. dearc. rain

( ) 5. a. cookb. sitc. apple

ⅲ. 單項選擇。(每小題2分,共10分)

( ) 1. look at the clouds in the sky! let』s take ______ our raincoats.

a. onb. outc. in

( ) 2. —what』s in your new house?

—there ______ two bedrooms, a living room and a kitchen.

a. isb. arec. am

( ) 3. —is it a wind?


a. yes, it isb. yes, i can c. no, there isn』t

( ) 4. my father often ______ football on the weekend.

a. playsb. playc. playing

( ) 5. —what are you doing?

—i』m ____.

a sleepingb. sleep c. sleeps

. 按要求完成下列各題。(每小題2分,共10分)

1. i』m, in, cooking, kitchen , the連詞成句)

you often do your homework on saturday? (肯定回答)

3. he is doing exercise對畫線部分提問)

4. they are listening to music. (英譯漢)




welcome to my home. this is the living room. it's big and beautiful.

we often watch tv there. this is the kitchen. my mother is cooking in it.

this is the bathroom. we do some washing there. and this is our study.

my father is reading a book in it. and this is my bedroom. it's small but clean.

教師範讀的是閱讀教學中不可缺少的部分,我常採用範讀,讓幼兒學習、模仿。如領讀,我讀一句,讓幼兒讀一句,邊讀邊記;第二通讀,我大聲讀,我大聲讀,幼兒小聲讀,邊學邊仿;第三賞讀,我借用錄好配朗讀磁帶,一邊放錄音,一邊幼兒反覆傾聽,在反覆傾聽中體驗、品味。()1 .

mother is cooking in the kitchen.



這兒的「師資」和「師長」可稱為「教師」概念的雛形,但仍說不上是名副其實的「教師」,因為「教師」必須要有明確的傳授知識的物件和本身明確的職責。()2. father is writing in the study.

() do some washing in the bathroom.

()4: the living room is beautiful.



一 教學目標 teaching aims 1.要求學生在老師的指導下,獨立完成課本let s practice 並可將以上內容組織成一段對話。2.四會 詞句 draw a picture,listen to the radio is she listening to the radio?二 教學重 ...


班級姓名考號 一 把不同類的單詞選出來,將序號填到題前括號中。10 b old long bigben b young c strong ball b tower bridge c hyde park am b was c were 二 請把下面的短語翻譯成英語或者漢語。10 1在星期三 2 有一天...


一 教材簡況 本冊書共8單元,要求掌握 92個單詞,能看圖識字,能在指認物體的前提下認讀所學詞語,能在 的幫助下讀懂簡單的小故事,能正確書寫字母和單詞。要讓學生養成每天定時 定量聽讀英語的習慣 家校合力培養孩子每天聽讀英語的習慣,也可建議採用放錄音,營造語言氛圍,讓孩子有意 無意地聽,省時又有效。鼓...