
2021-11-06 12:54:08 字數 4045 閱讀 2002

我考的是2003也就是相應於sap r/3 enterprise版本的財務認證。

2003和2002的內容差不多,只是有兩個ta(topic area)不一樣,就是對顧問的實施方**要求方面。

2002(4.6c)考察的是asap和report painter; 而2003(4.7)考察的是solution manager和schedule manager,其他內容基本一樣。

附:以下是2003的certification requirement :

topic areas

1. finance master data (++)

chart of accounts

general ledger accounts

reconciliation accounts

account groups

customer and vendor accounts

bank accounts/bank keys

2. do***ent control (++)

do***ent types and number ranges

posting keys and field status groups

posting periods

posting authorizations

default values

do***ent changes, change control

tolerance groups & payment differences

cross-company code transactions

do***ent reversal

incoming and outgoing payments

discounts and payment terms


clearing (manual & automatic)

payment differences

foreign currencies and exchange rate differences

configuration and processing special g/l transactions

cash journal

3. payment program, dunning program, correspondence, interest calculation(+)

payment program configuration

running the payment program

payment media

dunning program configuration

running the dunning program and dunning printout

configuration correspondence

processing correspondence

configuration interest calculation

running interest calculation

4. periodic processing (+)

month end and year end processes & adjustments

financial statement versions & reporting

receivables & payables

profit & loss

technical, organizational and do***entary steps

5. controlling org types and master data (+++)

cost elements and cost centers

activity types

statistical key figures

transaction based postings and activity allocations

reconciliation ledger

order master records, types, and status

periodic reposting and cost allocations

distributions and assessments

6. planning (+)

versions and profiles in cost centers/profit centers

planning aids

7. overhead orders (+)

types of orders

statistical vs real orders

period end and settlement rules

allocation structures

8. profit center accounting (+)

dummy profit center and assignment of objects

assignment monitor

actual data flow and line item management

report painter reporting in profit-center-accounting

drill-down reporting

9. schedule manager (+)

task list


flow definitions


10. solution manager (+)

solution manager-overview

11. experiences from implementations (case study or project)* (+)

setting up company structures (organizational units in mysap business suite)

integration and dependencies




ta(topic area) 題量得分

periodic processing 6 77

planning 5-6 75

overhead order 5-6 78

controlling org type & master data 17 74

implementation 1-2 100

schedule manager 5 53

payment program 6 73

solution manager 3 60

profit center accounting 6 77

financial master data 10-12 83

do***ent control 14-16 87


分析:只有77分主要是因為schedule manager 和 solution manager 答的不好,而這兩個ta也是我考前最擔心的,因為我只是考前隨便看了一下,而weight比較高的financial master data 和do***ent 我都答的比較好。



我在剩餘1小時10分鐘的時候答完的題,深吸一口氣之後開始檢查,乙個個選項的檢查,大概檢查到70道題的時候,頭太暈了,感覺問題不大,就下決心交卷(這時候離考試結束還有十分鐘),點了右上角的 exit圖示,大概2秒鐘後,螢幕上出現了congratulation 的字樣和我的總成績和每個ta的成績,看到成績我興奮的用力握緊拳頭揮了一下,狠狠地叫了一聲yeah!(因為旁邊還有乙個上海的女生在考sd,不敢影響她)。


1 在這個模組中,你做了哪些事情?接下來我選擇了可選案例的作業,在網上學習了相關的知識後,對案例 數學也能這麼教 進行了分析,有了前面作業的經驗,現在也可以獨立的完成自己的分析任務了。接下來在和同事相互 中學習了如何使用frontpage製作乙個網頁課件 在學習中確實遇到了很多困難,但在同事的幫助和...

5 8模組的總結與反饋

2 學完5 8模組後,您有哪些收穫?通過這四個模組的學習,我了解了個別化學習的概念及特點 多 網路教室的功能 資訊化教學環境應用過程中的常見問題及對策等知識小組合作學習。我還知道了怎樣申請部落格,如何設定部落格的標題 新增日誌 鏈結好友等。最重要的是我學會了運用部落格開展有效的教學活動,這樣不僅提高...


1 在這個模組中,你做了哪些事情?答 1 在這個模組中首先學習了必選案例 精心分析,適應變化 案例分析。認真學習了教學目標分析及學習者特徵分析相關理論,並結合所學理論仔細閱讀了 精心分析,適應變化 案例,將分析以主帖形式並且放入檔案袋中 2 在活動2 教學前期分析案例觀摩與改進中將 let s be...