
2021-10-20 17:55:12 字數 4332 閱讀 2511



am接在i之後,is放在單數的名詞或代詞之後,are放在複數的名詞或代詞之後,否定句在be後加not,一般疑問句將be提前。回答:yes,人稱代詞+ be.

/ no, 人稱代詞+be + not. 如:

1) he is mr. chen. he is not mr. chen.

-- is he mr. chen? -- yes, he is. / no, he isn』tt.

2) i am a student. i am not a student.

-- are you a student? -- yes, i am. / no, i am not.

3) they are teachers. they are not teachers.

-- are they teachers? -- yes, they are. / no, they aren』t.

練習:(一)用連繫動詞be( am, is, are)的正確形式填空。

1. ______ you fine?

2. imr. chen.

3. _____ he your mother?

4they from japan? -- yes, they _______.

5. youa teacher and she _____ a doctor.

6. where _______ jack from?

7. i _______ fine, too. thanks

8. -- who _______ this? -- thiswang kang.

9you a student? -- yes, i

10. -- where _______ beijing? -- it_______ in china.

11ronaldo a brazilian? -- yes, he ___ .

12. 「i」 ______ also a letter.

13. you and istudents.

14. he and she________ friends.

15. he and i________ teachers.


1.that is my football.

2. those are his books.

3.jim and tom are good friends.

4.my birthday is on november 1st.

5.his son is twelve years old.


1.his card is on the table.

2.these are my parents.

3.bob and tony are our friends.

4.these things are five dollars.

5.the girl is his sister.


1.our teachers are in the classroom.

2.the girl』s telephone number is 032-55746.

3.her pen is black.

4.these socks are five yuan.

5.they are thirteen years old.



1)一般在名詞詞尾加--s,如:car----cars; apple---apples

2)以s, x, ch, sh結尾的詞,在詞尾加---es,如:box---boxes; bus---buses; watch ---watches.



(2)不規則變化:如:mouse---mice;tooth---teeth; foot---feet;chinese---chinese, japanese---japanese;man---men; woman---women; child---children等


1. teacher ______ 2. class ______ 3. name ______ 4. orange____

5. number _______ 6. apple______ 7. bus_______ 8. erase____

9.photo_____ 10.tomato______ 12.friend____

13.knife_____ 14.foot____ 15.boy____ 16.mouse____

17.toy__ __ 18.factory_____ 19.family____20.monkey_____ 21.wish____

22. there is some _______ on the plate.

a. cakes b. meat c. potato d. pears

23. the______ has two _______.

a. boys; watches b. boy; watch c. boy; watches d. boys; watch

24. the little baby has two _______ already.

a. tooth b. tooths c. teeth d. teeths

25. how many ___can you see in the picture?

a. tomatos b. tomatoes c. tomato d. the tomato

26. —___is the meat. please? —ten yuan a kilo.

a. how much b. how many c. how old d. how long

27. would you please pass me___?

a. two *****    b. two *****s c. two pieces of ***** d. two pieces of *****s

28. 「what would you like, ann? 」 「i'd like two___.」

a. glass of milk b. glasses of milk c. glass of milks d. glasses of milks

29. these are my ______.

a. box b. a box c. boxes d. the boxes

30. there are three___and seven___in the picture.

a. deers, sheeps b. deers, sheep c. deer, sheep d. deer, sheeps

三、基數詞的表達:1—100 one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, … thirty …forty…fifty…sixty…seventy…eighty…ninety…hundred

四、時間表達法: (兩種)

1:00one o』clock

1:05one - o - five/ five past one

1:15one fifteen/ a quarter past one

1:30one thirty/ half past one

1:40one forty/twenty to two

1:45one forty-five/a quarter to two

-- what time is it? = what is the time?

-- it』s half past seven.

五、 a, an的用法:

a /an 都表示「一,乙個」,放在可數單數形式的名詞前,如果單詞以母音讀音開始的,我們在前用an, 如:an apple / an interesting book;/ an english boy/ an old man等.


1.the train is running fifty miles ______.

a. an hour b. one hour c. the hour d. a hour

2 .---who』s thiswang yu.


四 加強鞏固,分批對待 因為英語的特殊情況,學生在不斷學習中,會出現好差分化現象,差生面擴大,會嚴重影響班內的學習風氣。每次教授了新單詞以後,我都及時抽時間給他們聽寫,並認真批改。有時候,課文裡出現的精彩實用的句子,我也要求學生背下來,我把4個同學分成乙個小組,讓成績相對比較好同學擔任小組長,這樣想...

15 16七年級英語上冊期末複習總結

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