
2023-02-07 02:18:04 字數 4978 閱讀 3420


1. there will be______talk on good manners at the school hall this afternoon.

a. the b. an c. a d. /




2. the dragon boat festival fallsmay or june every year.

a. in b. on . c. at d. between



表示時間的某一點、某一時刻或年齡等用 at;泛指一般意義的上午、下午或晚上以及月或年等較長的時間,一般用 in;若表示星期幾或某一特定的日期,則用 on;between用於兩者之間。may or june五月或六月,月份前需用介詞in。根據句意語境,可知選a。

3. ----excuse me, i want some books, but i can』t find a bookshop here.

----i know_________on my way home. come with me, please.

a. this b. one c. . it d. that





4. wu wei, a young artist, has received highfrom the art community for this sculptures

a. pride b. praise c. promise d. progress



a. pride自豪;b. praise稱讚;c.

promise允諾;d. progress進步。根據句意語境,可知praise符合句意,故選b。

5do you visit your grandparents, timmy?

---once a week.

a. how many b. how long c. how much d. how often



考查特殊疑問詞辨析題。根據答語once a week,可知問的是頻率,需用how often提問,故選d。

6. --i saw john in the park this morning..

--it _____be him. he has gone to hongkong.

a. can』t b. can c. mustn』t d. must




mustn』t一定不要,表禁止;d. must一定是,表肯定推測。根據對句he has gone to hongkong.


7. the local guide spoke ______she could to make the visitors understand her.

a. as clear as b. as clearly as c. so clear as d. so clearly as





8. liu changjian, the command pilot of sichuan airlines flight 3u8633, successfully down the plane last month.

a. has brought b. ill bring c. brought d. bring



bring down使(某物或某人)掉下,降落。last month上個月,用於一般過去時,bring的過去式是brought,根據句意語境,可知選c。

9. the manager of the hotel was waiting at the gate _______ the guests arrived.

a. while b. when c. unless d. after



a. while當……時候,用於主句和從句是兩個同時進行的持續性動作時;b. when當……時候,用於從句動作是乙個短暫性動作時;c.

unless除非,表條件;d. after在以後。根據句意語境,可知cd不合句意,可排除。


10. ---it』s reported that self-driving cars are expected to change the way we move around.

---that sounds

a. bad b. badly c. great d. greatly




11fine weather it is! shall we go hiking in the hills?

---why not?

a. what b. what a c. how d. how a


【解析】句意:-多好的天氣啊!我們能去山里遠足嗎?-為什麼不呢? 考查感嘆句,fine weather為名詞片語,且weather不可數,故選a

12. ---how is our government going to deal with the office building?

--- it will be _____ a library.

a. turned off b. turned on c. turned out d. turned into



考查動詞短語辨析題。a. turned off關掉(開關等);b.

turned on開啟(開關等);c. turned out…打扮;d. turned into變成。


13. this kind of pen _____, and is also very cheap. i think you can buy some.

a. writes well b. writes good c. is written well d. is written good





14. ---could you tell me_______?

----in five minutes, at 10: 25.

a. when did the next underground arrive b. when the next underground arrived

c. when will the next underground arrive d. when the next underground will arrive



考查賓語從句。賓語從句需用陳述句語序, ac兩項都是疑問句語序,可排除。根據答語in five minutes,結合句意語境,可知還沒有到站,需用一般將來時態,故選d。

15. ---may i h**e a look at the magazine china today?


a. thank you b. it's a pity c. here you are d. i'd like to




thank you謝謝。b. it's a pity真遺憾。

c. here you are給你。d.

i'd like to我想,表示願意。問句提出了請求,根據回答certainly.,可知here you are符合語境,故選c。



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