
2023-02-05 02:51:04 字數 1820 閱讀 7173

交通規則通常特指我國正在施行的交通管理法律、規章。下面是小編為你帶來的遵守交通規則英語作文,歡迎閱讀。篇一:obeying the traffic laws「遵守交通規則」

i am often very afraid to cross large wide streets. i alwaysgo to the traffic light and use the crosswalk, but many times ih**e been frightened. when the light changes to green, i 'swhenih**e my bicycle, i get off and walk across the street, but alwayssomeone crosses the red light.

once at the intersection nearnationaltaiwanuniversityisawanaccident:ataxihadstoppedforthelight,andanothertruckcamefrombehindand did not stop. for safety, it is very important for everyoneto obey the traffic laws.

篇二:sample:advice on following traffic rules遵守交通規則

it is very important for us to know about the traffic rules.話題作文分享


everyone knows that red light means 『stop』 and you are notallowed to go. you can walk across the road safely when greenlight is on. one more thing is yellow light.

some people alwaysforget it. usually when the green light off, yellow light will beon,. so you must wait for a while patiently.

.firstly,weshouldfollowthetrafficlightsandcannotbreak the traffic rules. secondly, we had better remember theprinciple 「slowly, look left and right side, go across finally」.

lastbutnotleast,(最後一條也是最重要的一條)donotforgetthat it is rather dangerous to play on the street. if everybodyfollows the traffic rules we will h**e a happy life in the future.篇三:

we should follow traffic rules我們應該遵守交通規則

inordertokeeptheroadorderlyandpeoplesafe,everyone should follow traffic rules.

the walkers should look carefully both left and right wear a seat belt. drivers are not allowed to drive afterdrinking. they must stop when the lights are red.

many peopletake buses. they should wait in line, and follow the rule "first話題作文分享


遵守交通規則,安安全全上學 教學目標 1.遵守交通規則,注意安全上學和回家。2.了解安全知識,熟悉重要的交通和安全標誌。3.發展自我約束能力和良好的行為規範。教學重點 提高安全意識,學習自我保護的本領。教學難點 發展自我約束能力和良好的行為規範。教學過程 同學們好,休息的時候和媽媽 爸爸逛街的時候注...


7.12 馮曉迪 紅燈停,綠燈停,黃燈亮了等一等 請不要在酒後駕車 這些交通標語是我們從小就知道的。可是,你真的做到了嗎?那些正在上學的學生和所有開車的人,你早晨開車和上學時,你有沒有闖紅燈?那些愛喝酒的人,你喝酒後有沒有開車?國家制定交通制度就是使我們交通方便,快捷。如果乙個人不遵守交通規則那麼這...


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