海文2019詞彙複習 1

2023-01-23 03:51:03 字數 2019 閱讀 9255

the cruel man abandoned his wife and child. 那個狠心的男人拋棄了他的妻兒

everyone must abide by the law. 所有的人都應遵守法律。

the weather is abnormal this year. 今年的氣候不正常。

it's time to go aboard. 該上船/飛機/車了。

abraham lincoln abolished sl**ery in the united states. 亞伯拉罕·林肯在美國廢除了奴隸制。

when i came back to dublin, i was court-martialed in my absence and sentenced to death in my absence, so i said they could shoot me in my absence. 回到都柏林時,我在不在場的情況下受到軍法審判,並被缺席判處死刑。我於是說,他們可以在我不在場的時候執行槍決。

his business absorbs him. 他的業務使他全神貫注。

the absorption of several small firms made this group even stronger. 合併了幾家小公司後,這個集團更加強大。

we may talk of beautiful things, but beauty itself is abstract. 我們盡可談論美的事物,然而美本身卻是抽象的。

it was absurd of you to suggest such a thing. 你居然建議這樣的事,太可笑了

there was an abundance of corn last year. 去年玉公尺豐收。

meanwhile milk had been accepted by the masses, because of its abundant nutrition. 同時,牛奶又被大眾接受,因為它含有豐富的營養。

it's easy to abuse one's power. 人容易濫用權力。

the question is purely academic. 這是乙個純學術性的問題。

it is evident that it can relieve the traffic congestion in the streets, thus accelerating the flow of buses and cars. 很明顯,這樣會緩解道路交通的擁擠,從而加快車的流速。

our country has always in acceleration of economic growth since the 1980s. 自從20世紀80年代以來,我國經濟發展一直在增加。

do you think the proposal is acceptable? 你認為這個建議可接受嗎?

wealth in modern societies is distributed according to opportunity; and while opportunity depends partly upon talent and energy, it depends still more upon birth, social position, access to education and inherited wealth; in a word, upon property. 在現代社會中,財富是根據機會分配的。而機會在部分地取決於天賦與幹勁同時,更多地取決於出身、社會地位、教育機會及繼承來的財富,總之,取決於資產。

he was just an accessory of a robbery, but he was sentenced to death. 他只是一起搶劫案件中的從犯,卻被判處死刑。

as accidental as my life may be, or as that random humor is, which governs it, i know nothing, after all, so real or substantial as myself. 無論我的生命多麼偶然,也無論支配著它的那種隨意性如何,我知道最真實或最實在的事物畢竟還是我自己。


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