DB2學習筆記 實用

2022-12-26 11:06:02 字數 4139 閱讀 4962

into d_user(name,birthday) values ('張三','1997-2-1');

insert into d_user(name,birthday) values ('趙七','1995-2-3'),('王五','1973-6-3');---不能夠回車換行,要麼都插入要麼都不插入

2.主鍵要指定不能為空s_id varchar(10) not null primary key


> any(sub-qurey) --- > min(sub-qurey) 大於any時,取的是滿足條件中的最小值;小於any時取的是滿足條件中的最小值;any任何乙個

< any(sub-query) --- < max(sub-qurey)

> all(sub-query) --- > max(sub-qurey) all所有的

< all(sub-query) --- < min(sub-qurey)

4 . 特別注意:all 如果有空值的話,max和min自動忽略空值,會有結果。而是用all則會不。chinese 有空值

(1) select name from student where class='五年級a 班' and chinese < all

(select chinese from student where class='五年級b 班'

) 空值

(2) select name from student where class='五年級a 班' and chinese <

(select min(chinese) from student where class='五年級b 班'


求並集intersect 求交集

except 求差集這三個加上all後,不去重複


merge into employe as em (目標表為employe)

using manager as ma

on 條件)

when matched and < then update set 條件滿足時更新employe表中的對應記錄)

when matched and > then delete(刪除employe表中的記錄,而manager中的記錄保留)

when not matched then insert values (將manager中的值插入到employe中)

else ignore;(其他情況忽略)


select * from fetch first 10 rows only;


(1) 少使用 or 用 in代替

(2) where 子句中應該盡量避免在字段上使用函式,因為這樣做會使該字

段上的索引失效,影響sql 語句的效能。即使該字段上沒有索引,也應該避免在字段上使

用函式。select * from user where date(registerdate)='2009-9-24';

(3) 盡量避免在sql語句中使用like


(1)left join 只連線不過濾

insert into employ(name,deptno) values('張三',10),('李四',20),('王五',10),('趙六',20)

insert into department1(deptno,deptname) values (10,'技術部'),(20,'客服部');

select * from employ e left join department1 d on and 有結果的)

結果:張三 10 10 null

李四 20 20 null

王五 10 10 null

趙六 20 20 null


(2) select from employ e left join (

select * from department1 where deptname='客服部'

)as d on

結果:張三 10 null

李四 20 客服部

王五 10 null

趙六 20 客服部

(3) select * from employ e left join department1 d on where 客服部'

結果:李四 20 20 客服部

趙六 20 20 客服部


coalesce(a,0) 如果欄位a的值為空時將其轉化成0



(1) 匯出

export to d:\ of del select * from employe;

(2) 匯入

資料清空 load from of del replace into sales1;

-- 資料匯入

--load from of del insert into sales1;

--select current timestamp from sales fetch first row only;

--load from of del replace into sales1;

--select current timestamp from sales fetch first row only;

--load from of del replace into sales1;

--select current timestamp from sales fetch first row only;

--import from of del insert into sales1;

--select current timestamp from sales fetch first row only;

-- 分批資料匯出和匯入

---export to of del select * from sales1 where nodenumber(sales)=0;

---export to of del select * from sales1 where nodenumber(sales)=1;

--db2_all "|| export to sales1##.txt of del select * from sales1 where nodenumber(sales)=current node";

--db2_all "|| load from sales1##.txt of del insert into sales1";



建立該目錄: mkdir data

進入該目錄: cd data


db2look -d dbname -e -a -x -i username -w password -o



db2move databasename export -u username -p password



export to [path(例:d:" of ixf select [字段(例: * or col1,col2,col3)] from table1;

export to [path(例:d:" of del select [字段(例: * or col1,col2,col3)] from table1;


import from [path(例:d:" of ixf insert into table1;

load from [path(例:d:" of ixf insert into table1;

DB2匯出表結構 表資料小結

2010 12 5 一 db2命令列匯出資料庫全庫表結構 1 win r進入到db2安裝目錄的bin目錄下,執行命令 db2cmd,進入到db2 clp視窗。命令 db2cmd 2 建立乙個data資料夾 命令 mkdir data 說明 將資料庫全表結構的sql語句匯出到data目錄下 3 進入到...


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在DB2中如何實現Oracle的相關功能 二

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