
2022-12-13 06:45:06 字數 1617 閱讀 5203






no matter how hard up and frugal my friends themselves were, they would unstintingly share with me whatever they had, although they knew i would not be able to repay them for their kindness.

i owe my friends many, many kindness. how can i repay them? but, i understand, they don』t need me to do that.

a friend of mine says, 「if i were a lamp, i would illuminate darkness with my light.」

i, however, don』t qualify for a bright lamp. lat me be a piece of firewood instead. i』ll radiate the heat that i h**e absorbed from the sun.

i『ll burn myself to ashes t provide this human world with a little warmth.

friendship is both a source of pleasure and a component of good health. people who h**e close friends naturally enjoy their company. of equal importance are the concrete emotional benefits they derive.

when something sensational happens to us, sharing the happiness of the occasion with friends intensifies our joy. conversely, in times of trouble and tension, when our spirits are low, unburdening our worries and fears to compassionate friends alleviates the stress. moreover, we may even get some practical suggestions for solving a particular problem.





數學試題 本試卷滿分100分,考試時間120分鐘 第 卷 選擇題共24分 一 選擇題 本大題共8小題,每小題3分,共24分 在每小題給出的四個選項中,只有一項是符合題目要求的 1 一元一次方程2x 4的解是 a x 1b x 2c x 3d x 4 2 下列計算正確的是 a x x 2 x2b x3...


為確保我校2013年初中畢業會考各項工作順利進行,結合上級指示精神,特制訂以下中考組考方案。一 學校基本情況 我校共有四個畢業班,初三參考人數 203人,考室 7個 初二參考人數 191人,考室 7個。二 考試工作領導小組 考點辦公室 8363513 主考 教育局領導副主考 王恩庚保密員 周曉軍 1...


第一部分積累與運用 一 6小題,20分 1.下列詞語中,加點字讀音有錯誤的一項是 3分 a臆測 惻 隱抹 布拐彎抹角 b悵 然身體腫脹 痴 想吹毛求疵 c粗狂 心曠 神怡哄 笑一哄 而散 d腳踝 地表裸 露伺 候窺伺 時機 2.下列詞語中,沒有錯別字的一項是 3分 a更勝一籌鋒芒畢露義憤填膺束手無策...