中考英語寫作突出句子重點7法 優秀

2022-12-11 05:33:04 字數 781 閱讀 7869


1. 把重點擺在句首或句尾。


(1) incorrect grammar and improper construction invariably distract readersattention .

(2) the history of vocabulary is , in many ways , the record of civilisation .


2. 在複雜句裡,把主句放在從句之後。

除了名詞從句和形容詞從句之外,因為它們位置較固定,副詞從句中有幾種的位置靈活,可以在主句之前出現,也可以跟在主句之後。通常我們就把這樣的副詞從句提前,重點則放在後頭的主句,如(3 b ):

(3 a ) i came upon an old classmate when i went to town yesterday .

(3 b ) when i went to town yesterday , i came upon an old classmate .

5. 必要時,重複重要的語詞或概念。例如:

(9) jackie enjoys the company of ladies . he likes their beauty , he likes their delicacy , he likes their vivacity , and he likes their silence .

中考素材 中考英語寫作優美句子

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