
2022-12-08 19:09:03 字數 2638 閱讀 4619


it 在句中作形式主語或形式賓語的替代用法


it is important for us to learn english well.(it替代不定式 to learn english)

it is no use ****** such an apology to us chinese.( it 替代動詞-ing分詞 ****** such an apology)

it is happy for her parents that she is well now.(it 替代句子that she is well now)

2、it作形式賓語可以代替句中的動詞不定式,此時句中的謂語事由某些特殊動詞(如: find\think\feel等)充當的。

i find it impossible to finish so much work in such a short time. (it 替代不定式to finish so much work)

that \ this在句中的替代用法

1、 that

a: i』m going to wear my new jeans to her party.

b: you can』t do that.(that替代to wear my new jeans to her party這一事情)


this 在介紹某人或某物時,指的是靠近自己的一方。

a: hi, mr smith, this is my friend ,bill.

b: nice to meet you,bill.

c: nice to meet you, mr smith.

this 在**用語中指的是自己。

a: hello, may i speak to miss li?

b: this is miss li speaking.(我就是李女士。)

which、 that 、who、 whom在定語從句中的替代用法

1、 which 在句中放指物的先行詞後或整個句子後,引導限定性定語從句或非限定性定語從句。

she said i was lazy, which isn』t true.( which替代句子 she said i was lazy)

this is the pen which was bought by my father. (which替代的是 the pen)


the book that she borrowed from the library was lost.( that替代的是 the book)

the man that with a knife in his hand is a murderer. (that替代的是 the man )


she was the girl who \ whom i just talked to.( who \ whom替代的是 the girl 且作to 的賓語)


one 為避免重複而替代前文所提及的可數名詞的單數,且該中心名詞可以用one 或a、an修飾表示「一」;若替代前文提及的可數名詞複數,則用ones.

there are many books on the shelf, which one do you like best? (此處的one 替代的是book)

there are many pens in my hand, and the blue ones are mine. (此處的ones 替代的是 pens)


當前文有某些可數名詞複數(如pants、jeans、shorts、glasses等)時,如果這些名詞前面沒有a pair of 或 a suit of修飾時,則不能用one 來替代上述這些詞,因為這些詞前面不能用基數詞直接修飾(我們不能說2 pants或5 clothes或 one shorts), 而是用可以修飾它們的量詞短語中的量詞來替代。

the pants are too small for me, can you show me another pair? (因為another後面只能跟單數可數名詞,故而這裡用pair代替,意為a pair of pants)


the red pants are too small for me. can you show me the blue ones. (此處ones替代的是pants)

同樣,當遇上不可數名詞時,也要用相應的一些量詞來代替one 的概念,或用相應的量詞複數來代替ones的概念。

the ***** is too small for the little girl to paint on,please give her another piece.(因為有a piece of *****)

i』m so hungry that this slice of chicken isn』t enough. could you give me 3 more slices?(代替的是3 more slices of chicken.


代詞pronoun簡稱pron是代替名詞的一種詞類。大多數代詞具有名詞和形容詞的功能。人稱代詞 i我 you你 he他 she她 they他們 me我 賓格 you你 賓格 him他 賓格 her她 賓格 them他們 賓格 物主代詞 my我的 his他的 your你的 your你們的 their他...


句型 一 such 名詞性片語 that so 形容詞 副詞 that 如此 以致 例如 1 she is such a good teacher that we all love her.她是乙個好老師,我們都愛她。2 it wassucha hot daythatthey didn t go o...

九年級英語中考複習 5 代詞考點集匯,講解和訓練

初三系列複習資料 5 代詞考點集匯,講解和訓練 五 代詞 考點直擊 1.人稱代詞主格 賓格形式及其主要用法 2.名詞性物主代詞與形容詞性物主代詞的形式 區別及其主要用法 3 反身代詞的形式 意義及其主要用法 4 常見不定代詞的一般用法 5.指示代詞的一般用法,並了解其在上下文中的指代用法 6.相互代...