溧陽市小學英語教師基本功比賽 教案

2022-12-03 18:33:02 字數 4586 閱讀 9266





課型(type of the lesson):project 2

譯林版《英語》(三年級下冊) project 2 a magic clock

一、teaching aims and learning objectives 教學目標

1.能聽懂、會讀、會說5—6單元日常用語:how old are you ?i』m …what time is it? it』s … it』s time for … ;


3. 能正確地理解並運用日常用語內容,在老師的引導和幫助下嘗試運用語言進行交際、解決問題。

4. 能讀懂魔法鐘的製作步驟,初步理解魔法鐘遊戲。

二、focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教學重點和難點



三、teaching aids教學準備


四、teaching procedures 教學過程

before class:


step 1 free talk

the movie.


t: hello, i』m killy.

s1: hello, i』m …

t: nice to meet you.

s1: nice to meet you.

t: how old are you?

s1: i』m …

t: first, let』s say something about ourselves. (ppt呈現課件)

what』s your name? how old are you? what』s your f**ourite food?

what』s your f**ourite color?

s: prepare in groups or pairs.

a new friend:doraemon

t: today,there』s a new friend comes with he? (ppt出現哆啦a夢)


is he coming here?because he wants to invite us to the magic you like to join them?


t:ok,let』s go.


ss:wow,how nice!

t:yes,maybe we can also say 『how magical!』we h**e six levels,if you can pass all the levels, then you can get the magic hat!

all we go!

step 2 drill(闖關遊戲)

level 1:let』s jump

t:look,there』s a monster behind us.(出現魔法樓梯)let』s jump and count the numbers with the magic




t:well done!(ppt說「pass!

」) this level we h**e got a prize---a magic broom.(將一塊拼圖,貼到黑板上的圓形上) go,go,go,here we go!

level 2:let』s hide

t:wow, there』s a woman monster. let』s say and hide her bombs with the magic broom.

(learning tip: 表示上午 表示下午)

t:a great job!this level we h**e got a prize---a magic mirror.

(將一塊拼圖,貼到黑板上的圓形上) go,go,go,here we go!

level 3:let』s find

t:wow, there』s a big monster stop us. let』s find out the numbers and say with the magic mirror.


when you need these cars,you should call…


listen and write.


t:perfect! this level we h**e got a prize---a magic pen.

(將一塊拼圖,貼到黑板上的圓形上) go,go,go,here we go!

level 4:let』s talk

t:wow, a big monster stops us again. it asks us to fill in the level application.

let』s fill and talk with the magic pen.

if i』m the monster, would you please answer my questions?(師生示範問答)

ss ask and answer in pairs,then say own information

t:wonderful! this level we h**e got a prize---a magic book.

(將一塊拼圖,貼到黑板上的圓形上) go,go,go,here we go!

level 5:let』s match

t:wow, there』s a big fish monster in front of us. we should match and say with the magic book.

t:well done! this level we h**e got a prize---a magic bag.

(將一塊拼圖,貼到黑板上的圓形上) go,go,go,here we go!

level 6:let』s act

t:wow,a big monster is in front of us now. we should act with the magic book.

t:wonderful! this level we h**e got the biggest prize---a magic hat.


t:congratulation! you』re all magicians.

step 3 magic clock


t:look, what』s this? it』s a magic clock. how to make it?

let』s read the instructions.

step one, draw twelve pictures. (指出**處)

then we should cut out twelve doors. (指出)look,they』re doors.

stick the doors on.

cut out the hands.(亮出指標) then pin the hands on and pin on a rubber. (做示範)

do you know how to make it?


to play it?

t: now let』s play the magic clock. what』s the time?

s1: it』s five o』clock.

t: oh, it』s five o』clock. here』s the door. what can you say?

s1: open the door, please.

t: good. (老師根據**內容提問)

s : (根據**內容回答)

t: good. can you play it?


t:you can make and play it next class.

step 4 homework

a magic clock by yourself.

it with your partner.

板書設計project 2 a magic clock

how old are you?

i』m …

magic clock (圖 )

what time is it?

it』s …

it』s time for …


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