
2022-11-28 12:45:04 字數 2412 閱讀 1751


髮型取決於_______ 相配,合適_______日常飲食_______

油性的_______ 洗髮劑_______ 典型的,正常的_______柔軟的_______

平滑的_______ 使放鬆_______ 汙物,塵土_______ 損害健康的_______

有害的_______ 鐵_______秘密地_______搶劫_______考試 _______

心理壓力_______對待,護理生活方式 _______








think _____ vocabulary lists _____us a lot.



grandfather wants _____around the world because he enjoys _____new places.

seeing tr**el; to see

tr**el; to see

is clever _____ him to work out this maths problem.

a. for

he ______ the driving test?

a. luckily enough to pass enough to pass

c. lucky enough passing lucky to pass

is not much difference between the two. i really don』t know________.

a. what should i choose i should choose

c. which should i choose i should choose

young man drives_____ than he did three months ago.

more careful

more carefully

guangzhou is on its way to become a civilized city, so we must prevent some people__rubbish

in the public.

throwing throw throwing throwing

story book _____ him 6 dollars and he ___ two hours in reading it.


9._____, he picked up a wallet and g**e it to the police.

a. on his way to homeb. in his way home

c. on his way homed. at his way home

10. -- do you know _______ for shanghai last night?

-- at 9:00.

a. what time he le**esb. what time does he le**e

c. what time he leftd. what time did he le**e


i_______ to talk aloud with others in the library.

is h_______ for our eyes to watch tv for too long without a rest.

keep healthy, you should a________ deep-fried food.

k_________to winning the match is our teamwork.

we all know, a b________diet can keep us healthy, so try to eat different kinds of food.



in conversations is necessary.


if you h**e difficulties, you cand**id


the flood _____ them ______ their houses and food.


the carrots before you put them into the pot.


i wonderedto see a film.


10.三角形兩邊長分別是8和6,第三邊長是一元二次方程的乙個實數根,則該三角形的面積是 a.24b.48cd.7 在同一座標系內,一次函式y ax b與二次函式y ax2 8x b的圖象可能是 2 填空題 每題3分,共15分 11.拋物線的頂點座標是 13.如圖,圓的半徑為5cm,圓心到弦ab的距離...


3 a b c三個輕質帶電小球,己知c所帶的電荷與毛皮摩擦過的橡膠棒所帶電荷相同,b與c相互排斥,a與b相互吸引,則a帶電荷 b帶電荷 c帶電荷。4 乙隻小燈泡的電阻是8 它正常工作時的電壓是3 6v,現在填 能 或 不能 把這只燈泡直接接在4 5v的電源上,若不能,需串聯的電阻使這只燈泡正常發光。...


一 學生的捲麵規範程度非常差,歷史試卷要求每題都得寫 答 並且 答 要寫對齊,每題的答案要序號化。這方面做得比較好的是一班和三班,最差的是四班。二 學生的審題不夠認真,有的答非所問,沒有按照題目的意圖回答。三 學生的基礎知識掌握的不夠牢固,並且不能夠靈活運用。四 從成績上來看,大多學生能夠進行自主學...