
2022-11-19 14:39:05 字數 4769 閱讀 1957

snow white and the seven dwarfs

----旁白:a long time ago, there was a queen. she had a pretty daughter named snow white.

soon after the child was born, the queen died. the king married another queen. the stepmother didn』t like her very much.

she made snow white do the housework all day and all night.

----白雪出場 1 ( 掃地,做清潔.)

白雪:my name is snow white , i am a beautiful princess, i miss my mother so much, (雙手交叉放胸前)

where is my mother? where is my mother?(左右跑,找媽媽,憂鬱狀)

----皇后出場1(氣勢! 一甩披風)

皇后: i』m the new queen. i』m very beautiful.

you see. if anyone is more beautiful than me, i』ll kill her.

now, mirror, mirror, come here!(披著個長黑披風出場,**,霸道,語速慢,但要先傲後狠)

魔鏡:yes, i』m coming.

皇后:mirror, mirror, on the wall. who is the most beautiful?(可以拿鏡子)

魔鏡:you are beautiful. but there is a young lady.

she is as white as snow, as red as rose.

she is more beautiful than you.

皇后:she is more beautiful than me? who is she? tell me quickly.(緊皺眉頭,懷疑的口吻)

魔鏡:yes. she is snow white.

皇后:snow white? (生氣地馬上起身) no!hunter, come here, come here!

--- 獵人出場 (拿著刀,走著正步入場,表情嚴肅)

獵人:yes. i』m here .

皇后:hunter! take snow white to pick some flowers. find a place and kill her. (語調緩慢,平平)

獵人:oh no !she is the princess. …(驚恐狀,想拒絕)

皇后:no, kill her. bring her heart to me. i don』t want to see her again.(猛轉身背對獵人,發布命令)

獵人:yes! (迫於皇后的威嚴,無奈)

皇后:(順手拿起乙個盒子交給獵人)here is a box. you must bring her heart to me..

獵人:yes! (獵人無奈,屈膝接盒)


白雪:( 高興地摘花 ) one flower, two flowers, three flowers…. how many flowers! how beautiful!

獵人:( 慢慢地拔出刀,但猶豫著說 ) oh! my god! she is so lovely! i can』t kill her! i can』t!

白雪:( 看到後大聲哭叫)what are you doing? why do you kill me?

獵人:( 很不忍心地說) i』m very sorry. someone wants me to kill you.

白雪:but who? 獵人:the queen.

白雪:but why? 獵人:you are more beautiful than her.

白雪:(抓著他的衣服,祈求)my dear hunter. don』t kill me. i will run far away. ok?

獵人:(心軟了)ok. run away, run,run,my poor child.(給她指了方向)

白雪:thank you, my dear hunter.**身跑開)

旁白:at this time, a young bear was running by. the hunter shot it and took the heart back..

snow white began to run into the forest until it was evening. she saw a little house.


白雪:oh, my god! how tired i am! (跑的好累,突然發現了乙個房子,走了進去)

ah, here is a house, there are seven small beds. oh, how i want to sleep!(躺下睡了)

旁白:when it was dark, the owners of the house came back. they were seven dwarfs.

they were looking for gold in the mountain.


①老學究:look, the lamp in our house is on! (咱屋的燈亮著!)

②開心果:who is it? (誰在裡面啊?)

③噴嚏精:maybe it』s the ghost!(鬼啊!!!!)

④瞌睡蟲:let』s go into our house (咱們進去看看!).

⑤害羞鬼:oh, someone has cleaned our house.(驚奇地發現房子被人打掃過了!)

⑥老頑固:maybe it』s the witch.(是巫婆啊!!!!)

⑦愛生氣:be quiet! (手拿燈光,帶領大家一起向前看,他們都輕輕地驚叫起來)

1.老學究:what a lovely child!(好可愛的姑娘呀!)

2.開心果:how beautiful! (真漂亮!)

3.噴嚏精:who is she? (這是誰呀? 想上前看看)

4.瞌睡蟲:don』t wake her up. (阻止噴嚏精,擺手)

5.害羞鬼:why is she coming here? (問老頑固)

6.老頑固:kill her.(把手放在脖子上,殺人裝)(正當他們討論的時候,白雪醒了)

白雪: ( 伸伸懶腰 ) what a nice sleep! (看到小矮人都盯著自己看,嚇了一跳)

oh, who are you? (微笑)oh, i know. you are (用手乙個個點小矮人的鼻子,小矮人故意往前湊,希望白雪公主點他的鼻子)one two three….

seven dwarfs.

七矮人:(一起回答) yes, but why are you in our house?

白雪: the queen wants to kill me.(委屈,可憐) so i ran to your house.

don』t drive me away. (擺雙手) let me stay with you. (右手先放胸前再指向大家)

老學究:if you look after our house. (推推眼鏡,指著整個房間)

開心果:if you do some cooking for us.(顛鍋做飯動作)

噴嚏精:if you make the beds for us.(拉起床單抖一抖)

瞌睡蟲:if you do some washing. (做洗衣動作)

害羞鬼:but you must be careful. (扭扭捏捏尖聲細語害羞狀)

老頑固:don』t go out, or your stepmother will find you and kill you!(手抹脖子,作恐嚇狀)

白雪: i know. i know. thank you.(一手拎裙,一手放胸前,不斷點頭,溫文爾雅,)

旁白: from then on, snow white kept the house.

on the other hand, when the bad queen ate the heart, she took out the mirror and asked.


皇后: mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful?

魔鏡: you are beautiful. but snow white is still alive .no one is more beautiful than her.

皇后: what? snow white is not dead?…(驚訝,生氣,猛得站起來!

但轉念又有了個主意)…haha, i got a good idea.

旁白:the queen made a poisonous apple and dressed herself like an old woman. she came to the house .

皇后:good things to sell. pretty apples to sell. cheap. very cheap.

白雪:hi, good day, my grandmother!

皇后:apples. very delicious apples! could you h**e a taste?(拿了個蘋果**她)


白雪公主英語話劇本 帶中文翻譯 起,旁白 alongtimeago,很久很久以前,有個皇后。她有乙個美麗的女兒,名叫白雪公主。孩子出生後不久,女王死了。女王又娶了一位女王。可繼母沒有非常喜歡她。白雪公主整天整夜地做家務。白雪出場 掃地,做清潔.白雪 mynameissnowwhite,iamabea...


皇后對魔鏡說 魔鏡,魔鏡,這個世界上,誰最漂亮?魔鏡說 白雪公主,最漂亮。說完後,皇后非常生氣。最後,她決定自己親自去殺了白雪公主。皇后來到她的密室,配製了一種藥水。皇后喝了後,漸漸的,漸漸的,變成了乙個老太婆。接著,她又配製了一種藥水,然後,把蘋果放進藥水裡泡製。成了後,把蘋果放在籃子裡,就去找白...


歌曲名稱 1.lazy marry 2.one song 3.bingo 4.早上的 5.the more we together 6.one song twinkle little star 8.yankee doodle 9.if you re happy snow white contents...